
All API endpoints require the following query string parameters. These parameters must always be present on the query string, even when using the POST version of the APIs.

Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
apiUser string Provided by Vendasta
apiKey string Provided by Vendasta

All API responses will be a JSON dictionary of the form:

      "statusCode": 200,
      "responseTime": 13.12,
      "version": "1.1",
      "requestId": "5289947b00ff0b5f9a70d6c8f70001737e726570636f72652d70726f64000170726f642d312d37393400010139",
      "message": "A human-readable message.", # optional
      "deprecationWarnings": {}, # optional
      "data": {} # the actual API response data
Matches the HTTP status code.
The server response time in milliseconds.
The version of this endpoint.
A unique request ID that can be used to identify an individual request and report any issues.
An optional human-readable message.
An optional dictionary of deprecation warnings, keyed by argument name.
The actual data of the API response. May be a simple value, or a list, or a dictionary depending on the particular endpoint.

Note The API responses below indicate the data portion of the response.

Note Where multiple arguments are allowed, use repeated parameter names. E.g., foo=1&foo=2&foo=3.

Note Certain data types require particular serialized forms:

  • datetime has the form 2012-12-13T14:32:41Z
  • date has the form 2012-12-13
  • time has the form 14:32:41Z
  • boolean has the formtrue or false

Important Our APIs only accept a maximum url length of 2,000 characters. If providing a large number of parameters, especially repeated parameters, use the POST form of API to guard against surpassing this limit.

Paged results

For API endpoints denoted as "supports paged results", the response dictionary will have more information:

      "statusCode": 200,
      "data": ['a', 'b' , 'c'],
      "nextUrl": "https://www.example.com/abc123?page=998877",
      "nextQueryString": "page=998877",
      "totalResults": 213,
      "numberFoundAccuracy": 100
Will be a list of results; may be a list of dictionaries.
Use this url to get the next page of results. If there are no more results, this value will be null; depending on the particular endpoint, it is also possible that the nextUrl key does not even appear in the dictionary. In either case, this signifies that there are no further results. Important You must append your apiUser and apiKey to the nextUrl before submitting the request; these values are explictly suppressed for security reasons.
Simply the query string portion of the above nextUrl for convenience. This is useful if you need to push the paging information to the browser (e.g., for an Ajax-driven "next page" action) but want to protect the hostname.
Indicates the total number of results. This is only supported by certain endpoints and may not be present.
If the number of results found is higher than this number, totalResults will only be an estimation. This is only supported by certain endpoints and may not be present.

Response codes

Unless otherwise noted, a 200 response code indicates success and a 500 response code indicates a server error. In general, 200-series responses are used to indicate success, 400-series responses are used to indicate client errors, and 500-series responses are used to indicate server errors. 400-series errors often contain a message with a description of the client error.


Each endpoint has a version number which consists of a major version and a minor version (e.g., v1.1). As non-breaking changes are introduced, the minor version will increase. Non-breaking changes include items like new optional parameters and new entries in dictionaries. It is important that your implementation be able to handle these sorts of adjustments automatically.

If a breaking change is required, a new endpoint will be created with a new major version number (the major version number is included in the url path itself). When this occurs, the old version will be marked as deprecated, however it will continue to operate. If any formal sunsetting of the old endpoint is planned, this will be communicated to you via announcement and migration time will be allotted.

Note When an endpoint has been marked as deprecated, a deprecationWarnings key will appear in the top-most response dictionary.

Note Version adjustments (major and minor) occur on individual endpoints, not for the entire suite of endpoints.


Webhooks allow our servers to push content to you as soon as possible. To use webhooks, you must build a handler on your server and configure the url of the handler on https://partners.vendasta.com.

Content will be sent to this url using a POST method. The content of the POST will be a JSON-encoded dictionary, with the following basic format:

  "event": "some-event-code",
  "messageId": "cb7beb99090a4f5f8406a43ae9f56d88",
  "version": "1.1",
  "publishedDateTime": "2014-12-13T14:15:16Z",
  "data": {} # the actual webhook content
The event code of the message. You can configure to only receive particular event codes.
An identifier that is unique to this message.
The version number of the content in the data block.
The UTC datetime that the message was published.
The actual data of the webhook. May be a simple value, or a list, or a dictionary depending on the particular webhook.

A message will be considered to be successfully delivered if your server returns a status code in the range 200-299. All other responses will be considered failures. If your server returns a 401 or 403, no retries will be attempted, otherwise delivery will be retried. Unless otherwise noted, the retry policy will attempt after 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 20 seconds, 40 seconds, 80 seconds etc. At least one delivery per day will be attempted, however, retries will end 7 days after the delivery was originally attempted.

Note No guarantee is made about the order of the messages, especially when retrying is in effect. Your handler must have enough logic to handle out of order messages as well as the small possibility of duplicate message delivery.

Signed Messages

To prevent malicious attempts from other parties, it is possible for our servers to sign the webhook message using a shared cryptographic signing key. Your signing key can be configured at https://partners.vendasta.com.

When the signing key is configured, we will compute the signature based on the raw content of the HTTP POST body (not the headers). Make sure that you strip any leading and trailing whitespace before computing the signature; the first character will be "{" and the last character will be "}".

The signing technique follows the HMAC specification defined by RFC-2104, using a SHA1 hash. In Python code, the signing process is performed by the following code:

import hmac
import sha

payload = '' # the body of the HTTP POST
signing_key = '' # the shared cryptographic key configured at https://partners.vendasta.com
signature = hmac.new(signing_key, payload.strip(), sha.sha).hexdigest()

Once the signature is computed, you can compare it to the signature on the header X-Vendasta-HMAC found in the HTTP POST headers. If your computed signature matches the signature in the header, the message is genuine.


This document describes the Reputation Intelligence API used to create, update, and delete accounts.

Create Account v2.0

Creates a new account.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/account/create/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
address string The company's address.
city string The company's city.
companyName string The user's company name. Maximum length: 200
country string The company's 2 letter country code. Maximum length: 2
zip string The company's zip or postal code.
accountGroupId string If an accountGroupId is specified, the following fields will be ignored (though they are still required, dummy values may be provided): address, city, state, country, zip, companyName, latitude, longitude, marketId, salesPersonEmail, taxId, workNumber. These values will be pulled from the current data for the account group specified by the given accountGroupId.
adminNotes string Additional information that pertains to an account. Maximum length: 500
alternateEmail string An alternate email address to send alerts and emails to. Maximum instances: 5
billingCode string An optional billing code from your system for the account. Maximum length: 50
businessCategory string The business category for the account.
callTrackingNumber string A call tracking number. Maximum instances: 3
cellNumber string The company's cell phone number.
commonCompanyName string Common, colloquial names for the company. For example, the company may be Joe's Shoe Repair Limited, but a common name might be Joe's Shoes. Used to create searches. Maximum length: 200 Maximum instances: 3
competitor string A name of a competitor for this company. The competitor fields are used in share of voice computation; this feature will not have results without at least one competitor.
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system.
demoAccountFlag boolean A flag indicating that this account is to be a sales demo account. Sales demo accounts only function fully for 7 days after creation, following which searches will stop being run.
email string The user's email address. This email does not have to be unique.
employee string A name of an employee. Used in personnel mentions searches. Maximum instances: 3
faxNumber string The company's fax number.
firstName string The user's first name. Maximum length: 80
lastName string The user's last name. Maximum length: 80
latitude float Must be on the range [-90.0, 90.0]. If specified, longitude must also be specified.
longitude float Must be on the range [-180.0, 180.0]. If specified, latitude must also be specified.
marketId string Token identifying the specific configuration parameters to apply to this account. This must be previously configured with VendAsta.
salesPersonEmail string The email address of the sales person that this account belongs to. This field is required when creating a demo account. Additionally, if the supplied email address does not match any existing sales person account, an error will be returned.
sendAlertsFlag boolean The flag to disable sending of alert emails. Default: true
sendReportsFlag boolean The flag to disable sending of report emails.
DEPRECATED: This setting is no longer used on an account level.
sendTutorialsFlag boolean The flag to disable sending of tutorial emails. Default: true
service string A service or industry (dentist, restaurant, pizza) that the company is in. Maximum length: 200
ssoToken string This is the token to use for single sign-on mechanics, if applicable. May be the same as customerIdentifier. It must be unique.
state string The company's state or province.
taxId string An optional list of taxonomy ids for the account. Cannot be specified with businessCategory. Maximum instances: 3
twitterSearches string Custom searches that will be used to find mentions of a business on Twitter. Maximum instances: 3
website string The company's website. Must start with http:// or https://.
welcomeMessage string A custom message, that you wish to include within tutorial emails. Maximum length: 500
workNumber string The company's phone number. Maximum instances: 6
Response codes
Account queued for creation. Creating an account is a multi step process, it will take a few minutes.
An account with the provided customerIdentifier or ssoToken already exists.
Example response
"data": {
    "accountGroupId": "AGID", 
    "address": "Suite 300, 55 33rd St. E.", 
    "adminAccountFlag": false, 
    "adminNotes": "admin notes", 
    "alternateEmail": [
    "billingCode": null, 
    "businessCategory": "OTH", 
    "callTrackingNumber": [], 
    "cellNumber": null, 
    "city": "Saskatoon", 
    "commonCompanyName": [], 
    "companyName": "Vendasta", 
    "country": "CA", 
    "createdTime": null, 
    "customerIdentifier": "123ABC", 
    "demoAccountFlag": false, 
    "editionId": null, 
    "email": "test@vendasta.com", 
    "employee": [], 
    "enabledFeatures": "CO,VI,SP,RE,SO,RI", 
    "faxNumber": null, 
    "firstName": "First name", 
    "lastLoginTime": "2025-03-05T22:43:04Z", 
    "lastName": "Last name", 
    "latitude": null, 
    "longitude": null, 
    "marketId": null, 
    "salesPersonEmail": null, 
    "salesPersonName": null, 
    "service": [], 
    "srid": "ABC123", 
    "ssoToken": null, 
    "state": "SK", 
    "taxId": [
    "website": "http://vendasta.com", 
    "workNumber": [
        "(306) 955-5512"
    "zip": "S7K 0R8"

Update Account v2.0

Updates an existing account. One of customerIdentifier or srid are required. All other arguments are optional.

For arguments that can have multiple values (for example workNumber), you must provide all of the values. The existing list of values will be completely replaced with the newly supplied values. If you wish to remove a value, include the argument in the POST body with no associated value. If you wish to leave a value unchanged, do not include the argument in the update() POST body.

Updating the address, city or country will not update the latitude and longitude automatically. To update the latitude and longitude they both must be supplied.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/account/update/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
address string The company's address.
adminNotes string Additional information that pertains to an account. Maximum length: 500
alternateEmail string An alternate email address to send alerts and emails to. Maximum instances: 5
billingCode string An optional billing code from your system for the account. Maximum length: 50
businessCategory string The business category for the account.
callTrackingNumber string A call tracking number. Maximum instances: 3
cellNumber string The company's cell phone number.
city string The company's city.
commonCompanyName string Common, colloquial names for the company. For example, the company may be Joe's Shoe Repair Limited, but a common name might be Joe's Shoes. Used to create searches. Maximum length: 200 Maximum instances: 3
companyName string The user's company name. Maximum length: 200
competitor string A name of a competitor for this company. The competitor fields are used in share of voice computation; this feature will not have results without at least one competitor.
country string The company's 2 letter country code. Maximum length: 2
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system.
email string The user's email address. This email does not have to be unique.
employee string A name of an employee. Used in personnel mentions searches. Maximum instances: 3
faxNumber string The company's fax number.
firstName string The user's first name. Maximum length: 80
lastName string The user's last name. Maximum length: 80
latitude float Must be on the range [-90.0, 90.0]. If specified, longitude must also be specified.
longitude float Must be on the range [-180.0, 180.0]. If specified, latitude must also be specified.
marketId string Token identifying the specific configuration parameters to apply to this account. This must be previously configured with VendAsta.
sendAlertsFlag boolean The flag to disable sending of alert emails.
sendReportsFlag boolean The flag to disable sending of report emails.
DEPRECATED: This setting is no longer used on an account level.
sendTutorialsFlag boolean The flag to disable sending of tutorial emails.
service string A service or industry (dentist, restaurant, pizza) that the company is in. Maximum length: 200
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified.
ssoToken string This is the token to use for single sign-on mechanics, if applicable. May be the same as customerIdentifier. It must be unique.
state string The company's state or province.
taxId string An optional list of taxonomy ids for the account. Cannot be specified with businessCategory. Maximum instances: 3
website string The company's website. Must start with http:// or https://.
workNumber string The company's phone number. Maximum instances: 6
zip string The company's zip or postal code.
Response codes
Account successfully updated.
The account you are attempting to update is still being created. Try again in a few minutes.
Example response
"data": {
    "accountGroupId": "AGID", 
    "address": "Suite 300, 55 33rd St. E.", 
    "adminAccountFlag": false, 
    "adminNotes": "admin notes", 
    "alternateEmail": [
    "billingCode": null, 
    "businessCategory": "OTH", 
    "callTrackingNumber": [], 
    "cellNumber": null, 
    "city": "Saskatoon", 
    "commonCompanyName": [], 
    "companyName": "Vendasta", 
    "country": "CA", 
    "createdTime": null, 
    "customerIdentifier": "123ABC", 
    "demoAccountFlag": false, 
    "editionId": null, 
    "email": "test@vendasta.com", 
    "employee": [], 
    "enabledFeatures": "CO,VI,SP,RE,SO,RI", 
    "faxNumber": null, 
    "firstName": "First name", 
    "lastLoginTime": "2025-03-05T22:43:04Z", 
    "lastName": "Last name", 
    "latitude": null, 
    "longitude": null, 
    "marketId": null, 
    "salesPersonEmail": null, 
    "salesPersonName": null, 
    "service": [], 
    "srid": "ABC123", 
    "ssoToken": null, 
    "state": "SK", 
    "taxId": [
    "website": "http://vendasta.com", 
    "workNumber": [
        "(306) 955-5512"
    "zip": "S7K 0R8"

Delete Account v2.0

Deletes an existing account. One of customerIdentifier or srid are required.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/account/delete/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified.

Get Accounts by ID v2.0

Get account(s) by identifier. One of customerIdentifier or srid are required.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST/GET https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/account/get/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified.
Example response
"data": {
    "123ABC": {
        "accountGroupId": "AGID", 
        "address": "Suite 300, 55 33rd St. E.", 
        "adminAccountFlag": false, 
        "adminNotes": "admin notes", 
        "alternateEmail": [
        "billingCode": null, 
        "businessCategory": "OTH", 
        "callTrackingNumber": [], 
        "cellNumber": null, 
        "city": "Saskatoon", 
        "commonCompanyName": [], 
        "companyName": "Vendasta", 
        "country": "CA", 
        "createdTime": null, 
        "customerIdentifier": "123ABC", 
        "demoAccountFlag": false, 
        "editionId": null, 
        "email": "test@vendasta.com", 
        "employee": [], 
        "enabledFeatures": "CO,VI,SP,RE,SO,RI", 
        "faxNumber": null, 
        "firstName": "First name", 
        "lastLoginTime": "2025-03-05T22:43:04Z", 
        "lastName": "Last name", 
        "latitude": null, 
        "longitude": null, 
        "marketId": null, 
        "salesPersonEmail": null, 
        "salesPersonName": null, 
        "service": [], 
        "srid": "ABC123", 
        "ssoToken": null, 
        "state": "SK", 
        "taxId": [
        "website": "http://vendasta.com", 
        "workNumber": [
            "(306) 955-5512"
        "zip": "S7K 0R8"

Lookup Accounts v2.0

Lookup all accounts.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
  • Supports paged results nextUrl
POST/GET https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/account/lookup/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
pageSize int Must be a positive integer.
Example response
"data": [
        "accountGroupId": "AGID", 
        "address": "Suite 300, 55 33rd St. E.", 
        "adminAccountFlag": false, 
        "adminNotes": "admin notes", 
        "alternateEmail": [
        "billingCode": null, 
        "businessCategory": "OTH", 
        "callTrackingNumber": [], 
        "cellNumber": null, 
        "city": "Saskatoon", 
        "commonCompanyName": [], 
        "companyName": "Vendasta", 
        "country": "CA", 
        "createdTime": null, 
        "customerIdentifier": "123ABC", 
        "demoAccountFlag": false, 
        "editionId": null, 
        "email": "test@vendasta.com", 
        "employee": [], 
        "enabledFeatures": "CO,VI,SP,RE,SO,RI", 
        "faxNumber": null, 
        "firstName": "First name", 
        "lastLoginTime": "2025-03-05T22:43:04Z", 
        "lastName": "Last name", 
        "latitude": null, 
        "longitude": null, 
        "marketId": null, 
        "salesPersonEmail": null, 
        "salesPersonName": null, 
        "service": [], 
        "srid": "ABC123", 
        "ssoToken": null, 
        "state": "SK", 
        "taxId": [
        "website": "http://vendasta.com", 
        "workNumber": [
            "(306) 955-5512"
        "zip": "S7K 0R8"

Search Account v2.0

Search accounts for the given search terms. Note, if the intended use is to perform an enumeration of all accounts please refer to the lookup api.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
  • Supports paged results nextUrl
  • Supports totalResults
POST/GET https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/account/search/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
address string Returns results that are equal to the given address.
city string Returns results that are equal to the given city.
companyName string Returns results that are equal to the given name.
configToken string Returns results that are equal to the given config token.
customerIdentifier string Returns results that are equal to the given customer.
email string Returns results that are equal to the given email address.
firstName string Returns results that are equal to the given first name.
lastName string Returns results that are equal to the given last name.
query string Returns results that are equal to the given query where it will be matched against all possible combinations of searches. If query is specified other search terms provided will be ignored.
salesPersonEmail string Returns results that are equal to the given sales person email address.
srid string Returns results that are equal to the given srid.
state string Returns results that are equal to the given state.
workNumber string Returns results that are equal to the given work number.
pageSize int Must be a positive integer.
Example response
"data": [
        "accountGroupId": "AGID", 
        "address": "Suite 300, 55 33rd St. E.", 
        "adminAccountFlag": false, 
        "adminNotes": "admin notes", 
        "alternateEmail": [
        "billingCode": null, 
        "businessCategory": "OTH", 
        "callTrackingNumber": [], 
        "cellNumber": null, 
        "city": "Saskatoon", 
        "commonCompanyName": [], 
        "companyName": "Vendasta", 
        "country": "CA", 
        "createdTime": null, 
        "customerIdentifier": "123ABC", 
        "demoAccountFlag": false, 
        "editionId": null, 
        "email": "test@vendasta.com", 
        "employee": [], 
        "enabledFeatures": "CO,VI,SP,RE,SO,RI", 
        "faxNumber": null, 
        "firstName": "First name", 
        "lastLoginTime": "2025-03-05T22:43:04Z", 
        "lastName": "Last name", 
        "latitude": null, 
        "longitude": null, 
        "marketId": null, 
        "salesPersonEmail": null, 
        "salesPersonName": null, 
        "service": [], 
        "srid": "ABC123", 
        "ssoToken": null, 
        "state": "SK", 
        "taxId": [
        "website": "http://vendasta.com", 
        "workNumber": [
            "(306) 955-5512"
        "zip": "S7K 0R8"

Enable Feature v2.0

Enables features for the given account. One of customerIdentifier or srid are required.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/account/enableFeature/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
feature string Features specified must be one of the following: OV - Overview, ME - Mentions, VI - Listings, RE - Reviews, CO - Competition, SO - Social Monitoring, SP - Social Publishing
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified.

Disable Feature v2.0

Disables features for the given account. One of customerIdentifier or srid are required.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/account/disableFeature/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
feature string Features specified must be one of the following: OV - Overview, ME - Mentions, VI - Listings, RE - Reviews, CO - Competition, SO - Social Monitoring, SP - Social Publishing
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified.

Convert Sales Account v2.0

Convert the given sales account to a pid account. One of customerIdentifier or srid are required.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/account/convertSalesAccount/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. Must not be specified with: srid.
email string The user's email address. This email does not have to be unique.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified. Must not be specified with: customerIdentifier.
firstName string The user's first name.
lastName string The user's last name.

Parameter is required exclusively of at least one other parameter. See notes column for details.


This document describes the Reputation Intelligence API used to interact with visibility listings.

Lookup Listings v2.0

Lookup visibility listings for an account. One of customerIdentifier or srid are required.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST/GET https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/listing/lookupListings/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified. Must not be specified with: srid.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified. Must not be specified with: customerIdentifier.
sourceId integer The listing source Id.

Parameter is required exclusively of at least one other parameter. See notes column for details.

Example response
"data": {
    "directories": [
            "favIconUrl": null, 
            "iconUrl": null, 
            "listings": [
                    "anchorData": {
                        "address": "112 Sw 2nd Ave", 
                        "city": "Portland", 
                        "companyName": "Kells Inc", 
                        "country": null, 
                        "phone": "5032415904", 
                        "state": "OR", 
                        "website": null, 
                        "zip": "97204"
                    "anchorDataMatches": {
                        "address": true, 
                        "city": true, 
                        "companyName": false, 
                        "country": false, 
                        "phone": false, 
                        "state": true, 
                        "website": false, 
                        "zip": true
                    "anchorDataWarningFlag": true, 
                    "createdDateTime": "2013-01-03T21:10:20Z", 
                    "listingId": "ae:9a16aab9060366594569ba4bc89b0fbf", 
                    "sourceSpecificDetails": null, 
                    "title": "", 
                    "url": "http://www.local.com/business/details/portland-or/kells-inc-99072012/", 
                    "userSubmittedFlag": false, 
                    "verifiedCorrectFlag": false
            "sourceId": null, 
            "sourceName": null
    "reviewengines": [], 
    "searchengines": [], 
    "socialengines": []

Lookup Possible Listings v2.0

Lookup possible visibility listings for an account. One of customerIdentifier or srid are required.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST/GET https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/listing/lookupPossibleListings/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified.
sourceId integer The listing source Id.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified.
Example response
"data": {
    "directories": [
            "favIconUrl": null, 
            "iconUrl": null, 
            "listings": [
                    "anchorData": {
                        "address": "112 Sw 2nd Ave", 
                        "city": "Portland", 
                        "companyName": "Kells Inc", 
                        "country": null, 
                        "phone": "5032415904", 
                        "state": "OR", 
                        "website": null, 
                        "zip": "97204"
                    "anchorDataMatches": {
                        "address": true, 
                        "city": true, 
                        "companyName": false, 
                        "country": false, 
                        "phone": false, 
                        "state": true, 
                        "website": false, 
                        "zip": true
                    "anchorDataWarningFlag": true, 
                    "createdDateTime": "2013-01-03T21:10:20Z", 
                    "listingId": "ae:9a16aab9060366594569ba4bc89b0fbf", 
                    "sourceSpecificDetails": null, 
                    "title": "", 
                    "url": "http://www.local.com/business/details/portland-or/kells-inc-99072012/", 
                    "userSubmittedFlag": false, 
                    "verifiedCorrectFlag": false
            "sourceId": null, 
            "sourceName": null
    "reviewengines": [], 
    "searchengines": [], 
    "socialengines": []

Mark Listing Mine v2.0

Marking a visibility listing "Mine" for an account indicates that the listing belongs to the related account. One of customerIdentifier or srid are required.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/listing/markListingMine/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
listingId string The listing Id.
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified.
Example response
"data": {
    "address": "112 SW 2nd Ave", 
    "city": "Portland", 
    "companyName": "Kells Irish Restaurant & Pub", 
    "country": null, 
    "createdDateTime": "2013-09-03T15:46:53Z", 
    "domain": "kudzu.com", 
    "listingId": "LIS-F6252B3813344AE38D11B39287840D02", 
    "phone": "5032274057", 
    "sourceId": 10670, 
    "state": "OR", 
    "title": "", 
    "url": "http://www.kudzu.com/merchant/2923084", 
    "userSubmittedFlag": true, 
    "website": "http://kellsirish.com", 
    "zip": "97204"

Mark Listing Not Mine v2.0

Marking a visibility listing "Not Mine" for an account indicates that the listing was incorrectly identified as belonging to the related account. One of customerIdentifier or srid are required.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/listing/markListingNotMine/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
listingId string The listing Id.
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified.
Example response
"data": {
    "address": "112 SW 2nd Ave", 
    "city": "Portland", 
    "companyName": "Kells Irish Restaurant & Pub", 
    "country": null, 
    "createdDateTime": "2013-09-03T15:46:53Z", 
    "domain": "kudzu.com", 
    "listingId": "LIS-F6252B3813344AE38D11B39287840D02", 
    "phone": "5032274057", 
    "sourceId": 10670, 
    "state": "OR", 
    "title": "", 
    "url": "http://www.kudzu.com/merchant/2923084", 
    "userSubmittedFlag": true, 
    "website": "http://kellsirish.com", 
    "zip": "97204"

Mark Listing Verified v2.0

Marking a visibility listing "Verified" for an account indicates that inconsistent contact information on the listing is ok. One of customerIdentifier or srid are required.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/listing/markListingVerified/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
listingId string The listing Id.
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified.
Example response
"data": {
    "address": "112 SW 2nd Ave", 
    "city": "Portland", 
    "companyName": "Kells Irish Restaurant & Pub", 
    "country": null, 
    "createdDateTime": "2013-09-03T15:46:53Z", 
    "domain": "kudzu.com", 
    "listingId": "LIS-F6252B3813344AE38D11B39287840D02", 
    "phone": "5032274057", 
    "sourceId": 10670, 
    "state": "OR", 
    "title": "", 
    "url": "http://www.kudzu.com/merchant/2923084", 
    "userSubmittedFlag": true, 
    "website": "http://kellsirish.com", 
    "zip": "97204"

Mark Listing Not Verified v2.0

Marking a visibility listing "Not Verified" for an account indicates that inconsistent contact information previously marked as verified no longer is. One of customerIdentifier or srid are required.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/listing/markListingNotVerified/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
listingId string The listing Id.
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified.
Example response
"data": {
    "address": "112 SW 2nd Ave", 
    "city": "Portland", 
    "companyName": "Kells Irish Restaurant & Pub", 
    "country": null, 
    "createdDateTime": "2013-09-03T15:46:53Z", 
    "domain": "kudzu.com", 
    "listingId": "LIS-F6252B3813344AE38D11B39287840D02", 
    "phone": "5032274057", 
    "sourceId": 10670, 
    "state": "OR", 
    "title": "", 
    "url": "http://www.kudzu.com/merchant/2923084", 
    "userSubmittedFlag": true, 
    "website": "http://kellsirish.com", 
    "zip": "97204"

Submit Listing v2.0

Submit a visibility URL for the specified source and account. One of customerIdentifier or srid are required.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/listing/submitListing/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
sourceId integer The listing source Id.
url string The listing url.
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified.

Lookup Listing Sources v2.0

Get the list of visibility listing sources for an account. One of customerIdentifier or srid are required.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST/GET https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/listing/lookupListingSources/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified.
Example response
"data": {
    "ignoredListingSources": [
            "sourceId": 10710, 
            "sourceName": "Local.com"
            "sourceId": 10690, 
            "sourceName": "LocalEdge"
    "listingSources": [
            "sourceId": 10360, 
            "sourceName": "Sea Coast Online"
            "sourceId": 10490, 
            "sourceName": "YellowPages.ca"
            "sourceId": 10750, 
            "sourceName": "Mysask411"

Get Listing Stats v2.0

Get the visibility statistics for an account. One of customerIdentifier, srid or accountGroupId are required.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST/GET https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/listing/getStats/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
accountGroupId string Must not be specified with: srid, customerIdentifier.
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified. Must not be specified with: srid, accountGroupId.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified. Must not be specified with: customerIdentifier, accountGroupId.

Parameter is required exclusively of at least one other parameter. See notes column for details.

Example response
"data": {
    "accuracyScore": 16.15567369563231, 
    "citationsFound": 42, 
    "listingPointScore": {
        "industryAverage": 80, 
        "industryLeadersAverage": 100, 
        "pointScore": 120
    "listingScore": 30.7, 
    "sourcesFound": 2, 
    "sourcesFoundWithErrors": 8, 
    "sourcesNotFound": 9


This document describes the Reputation Intelligence API used to interact with reviews.

Get Reviews by ID v2.0

Fetch the details of reviews by review ID for an account. One of customerIdentifier or srid are required.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST/GET https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/review/get/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
reviewId string The review Id.
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified.
includeCommentsFlag boolean Comments are only for My Listings (source ID 12000).
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified.
Example response
"data": {
    "RVW-0EEB205E08004B368E11EA781F9EADD8": {
        "contentSnippet": "Awesome place! Loved it!", 
        "createdDateTime": "2013-01-16T15:44:02Z", 
        "domain": "example.com", 
        "listingId": "LIS-D946BDDB2193480A83FC86BB6445ADC7", 
        "modifiedDateTime": "2013-01-16T15:44:02Z", 
        "publishedDateTime": "2012-07-08T13:58:01Z", 
        "rating": "5", 
        "reviewId": "RVW-0EEB205E08004B368E11EA781F9EADD8", 
        "reviewerName": "Jake Cole", 
        "reviewerUrl": "http://www.example.com/listing/page-2.html", 
        "sourceId": 10000, 
        "sourceName": "Yelp!", 
        "srid": "ABC123", 
        "title": "Great food!", 
        "url": "http://www.example.com/listing"

Search Reviews-v3 v3.0

Search reviews for the given search terms.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
  • Supports paged results nextUrl
POST/GET https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v3/review/search/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
accountId string Preferred account identifier; follows the format "AG-XXXXXX". Must not be specified with: srid, customerIdentifier.
customerIdentifier string A customer identifier. Must not be specified with: srid, accountId.
srid string An account identifier. Must not be specified with: customerIdentifier, accountId.
includeCommentsFlag boolean Comments are only for My Listings (source ID 12000).
maxDateTime datetime The maximum datetime from which to return reviews. If provided it must be accompanied by maxDateTime. minDateTime must be before maxDateTime.
minDateTime datetime The minimum datetime from which to return reviews. If provided it must be accompanied by maxDateTime.
orderBy string Must be one of: createdDateTimeDesc, publishedDateTimeDesc.
rating string Must be one of: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, H, N, L.
searchTerm string Search for reviews that contain searchTerm value.
sourceId string A visibility listing source identifier.
pageSize int Must be a positive integer.

Parameter is required exclusively of at least one other parameter. See notes column for details.

Example response
"data": [
        "contentSnippet": "Awesome place! Loved it!", 
        "createdDateTime": "2013-01-16T15:44:02Z", 
        "domain": "example.com", 
        "editedDateTime": null, 
        "listingId": "LIS-D946BDDB2193480A83FC86BB6445ADC7", 
        "modifiedDateTime": "2013-01-16T15:44:02Z", 
        "publishedDateTime": "2012-07-08T13:58:01Z", 
        "rating": "5", 
        "reviewId": "RVW-0EEB205E08004B368E11EA781F9EADD8", 
        "reviewerName": "Jake Cole", 
        "reviewerUrl": "http://www.example.com/listing/page-2.html", 
        "sourceId": 10000, 
        "sourceName": "Yelp!", 
        "srid": "ABC123", 
        "title": "Great food!", 
        "url": "http://www.example.com/listing"

Search Reviews-v2 v2.0

Search reviews for the given search terms. One of customerIdentifier or srid are required.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
  • Supports paged results nextUrl
POST/GET https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/review/search/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified.
maxDateTime datetime The maximum datetime from which to return reviews. minDateTime must be before maxDateTime.
minDateTime datetime The minimum datetime from which to return reviews.
orderBy string Must be createdDateTimeDesc or publishedDateTimeDesc.
rating string Must be one of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, L (low), H (high), or N (no rating). only allow legacy or current sentiment ranks
sourceId string The visibility listing source Id.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified.
pageSize int Must be a positive integer.
Example response
"data": {
    "RVW-0EEB205E08004B368E11EA781F9EADD8": {
        "contentSnippet": "Awesome place! Loved it!", 
        "createdDateTime": "2013-01-16T15:44:02Z", 
        "domain": "example.com", 
        "listingId": "LIS-D946BDDB2193480A83FC86BB6445ADC7", 
        "modifiedDateTime": "2013-01-16T15:44:02Z", 
        "publishedDateTime": "2012-07-08T13:58:01Z", 
        "rating": "5", 
        "reviewId": "RVW-0EEB205E08004B368E11EA781F9EADD8", 
        "reviewerName": "Jake Cole", 
        "reviewerUrl": "http://www.example.com/listing/page-2.html", 
        "sourceId": 10000, 
        "sourceName": "Yelp!", 
        "srid": "ABC123", 
        "title": "Great food!", 
        "url": "http://www.example.com/listing"

Review Comments List-v3 v3.0

List review comments for a review

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST/GET https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v3/reviewComment/list/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
reviewId string A review identifier.

Review Comment Lookup-v3 v3.0

Lookup review comments

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
  • Supports paged results nextUrl
POST/GET https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v3/reviewComment/lookup/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
accountId string Preferred account identifier; follows the format "AG-XXXXXX". Must not be specified with: srid, customerIdentifier.
customerIdentifier string A customer identifier. Must not be specified with: srid, accountId.
srid string An account identifier. Must not be specified with: customerIdentifier, accountId.
maxDateTime datetime The maximum datetime from which to return review comments. If provided it must be accompanied by maxDateTime. minDateTime must be before maxDateTime.
minDateTime datetime The minimum datetime from which to return review comments. If provided it must be accompanied by maxDateTime.
onlyOwnerCommentsFlag boolean Return only comments that were posted by the owner Default: false
pageSize int Must be a positive integer.

Parameter is required exclusively of at least one other parameter. See notes column for details.

Get Review Statistics v2.0

Get review statistics for an account. One of customerIdentifier or srid are required.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST/GET https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/review/getStats/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified.
maxDateTime datetime The maximum datetime from which to return reviews.
minDateTime datetime The minimum datetime from which to return reviews.
sourceId string The visibility listing source Id.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified.
Example response 1

Response when sourceId is not specified in request.

"data": {
    "industryAverageCount": 2184.5, 
    "industryAverageRating": 4.410865582779941, 
    "ratingCounts": {
        "1": 43, 
        "2": 93, 
        "3": 213, 
        "4": 655, 
        "5": 2552, 
        "N": 2
    "recentPhrases": [
            "count": 75, 
            "phrase": "golden nugget"
            "count": 69, 
            "phrase": "las vegas"
            "count": 44, 
            "phrase": "filet mignon"
            "count": 41, 
            "phrase": "bread pudding"
    "sourceCounts": {
        "10000": 413, 
        "10010": 45, 
        "10040": 21, 
        "10050": 51, 
        "10110": 10, 
        "10200": 1038, 
        "10430": 1, 
        "10830": 1977, 
        "12000": 2
    "sourceId": null, 
    "totalCount": 3558
Example response 2

Response when sourceId is specified in request.

"data": {
    "industryAverageCount": 2184.5, 
    "industryAverageRating": 4.410865582779941, 
    "ratingCounts": {
        "1": 4, 
        "2": 17, 
        "3": 29, 
        "4": 96, 
        "5": 267
    "recentPhrases": [
            "count": 33, 
            "phrase": "golden nugget"
            "count": 29, 
            "phrase": "filet mignon"
            "count": 25, 
            "phrase": "bread pudding"
            "count": 22, 
            "phrase": "lobster bisque"
    "sourceCounts": {
        "10000": 413
    "sourceId": 10000, 
    "totalCount": 3558

Lookup Key Phrases used in reviews v3.0

This endpoint returns the data used to construct the word cloud

  • Rate limit: 60/minute
POST/GET https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v3/review/key-phrases/lookup/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
accountGroupId string An account group identifier. Must not be specified with: srid, customerIdentifier.
customerIdentifier string A customer identifier. Must not be specified with: srid, accountGroupId.
srid string A Reputation Management product identifier. Must not be specified with: customerIdentifier, accountGroupId.
maxDateTime datetime Select reviews published before or on this maximum date. If provided it must be accompanied by minDate. minDateTime must be before maxDateTime.
minDateTime datetime Select reviews published after the minimum date. If provided it must be accompanied by maxDate.

Parameter is required exclusively of at least one other parameter. See notes column for details.

Example response
"data": {
    "data": [
            "sentiment": 925.925925925926, 
            "text": "las vegas", 
            "weight": 54
            "sentiment": 877.2903225806451, 
            "text": "great food", 
            "weight": 31
            "sentiment": 654.9166666666666, 
            "text": "golden nugget", 
            "weight": 24
            "sentiment": 411.918918918919, 
            "text": "food service", 
            "weight": 37

Review Share Lookup-v3 v3.0

Lookup review shares

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
  • Supports paged results nextUrl
POST/GET https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v3/reviewShare/lookup/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
accountGroupId string An account group identifier. Must not be specified with: srid, customerIdentifier.
customerIdentifier string A customer identifier. Must not be specified with: srid, accountGroupId.
srid string A Reputation Management product identifier. Must not be specified with: customerIdentifier, accountGroupId.
maxDateTime datetime The maximum datetime from which to return review comments. minDateTime must be before maxDateTime.
minDateTime datetime The minimum datetime from which to return review comments.
pageSize int Must be a positive integer.

Parameter is required exclusively of at least one other parameter. See notes column for details.

Example response
"data": {
    "data": [
            "reviewId": "RVW-F85730ED7EE14966BCF6453CD79CF03B", 
            "sharedDateTime": "2015-12-09T21:36:29Z", 
            "sourceId": 10050
            "reviewId": "RVW-F85730ED7EE14966BCF6453CD79CF03B", 
            "sharedDateTime": "2015-12-09T21:35:16Z", 
            "sourceId": 10060
            "reviewId": "RVW-AA46595AAD6E4A2FACAA5CEBABCB690C", 
            "sharedDateTime": "2015-12-09T16:55:46Z", 
            "sourceId": 10050

Lookup trending terms in Reviews v3.0

This endpoint returns the monthly usage count of terms over time. Usage counts will be calculated for the terms that are provided. If no terms are provided then the usage counts of significant terms that are determined by their recent upward trends.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST/GET https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v3/review/keyword-trends/lookup/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
accountId string Account identifier; follows the format "AG-XXXXXX".
maxDate date Select reviews published before or on this maximum date. If provided it must be accompanied by minDate.
minDate date Select reviews published after the minimum date. If provided it must be accompanied by maxDate.
notSharedFlag boolean Select My Listing reviews that have yet to be shared.
publishedFlag boolean Select My Listing reviews that have been published to the My Listing.
rating string Select reviews with these rating strings. "N" indicates reviews without ratings. Must be one of: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, N.
searchTerm string Select reviews that match this search term.
sharedFlag boolean Select My Listing reviews that have been shared.
sourceId string Select reviews belonging to these listing source identifiers.
term string Occurrences over time will be calculated for these terms when provided. When not provided occurrences of currently trending terms will calculated.
unpublishedFlag boolean Select My Listing reviews that have yet to be published to the My Listing.
Example response

A list containing dict of dates corresponding keyword occurrences

"data": [
        "data": [
        "name": "month"
        "data": [
        "name": "bisque"

Review Share Stats-v3 v3.0

Lookup industry stats for review shares

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST/GET https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v3/reviewShare/stats/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
accountGroupId string An account group identifier. Must not be specified with: srid, customerIdentifier.
customerIdentifier string A customer identifier. Must not be specified with: srid, accountGroupId.
srid string A Reputation Management product identifier. Must not be specified with: customerIdentifier, accountGroupId.
maxDateTime datetime The maximum datetime from which to return review comments. minDateTime must be before maxDateTime.
minDateTime datetime The minimum datetime from which to return review comments.

Parameter is required exclusively of at least one other parameter. See notes column for details.

Example response
"data": {
    "data": {
        "industryAverageShares": 3, 
        "industryName": [

Respond to Reviews-v3 v3.0

Respond to given review.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v3/review/respond/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
accountId string Preferred account identifier; follows the format "AG-XXXXXX". Must not be specified with: srid, customerIdentifier.
customerIdentifier string A customer identifier. Must not be specified with: srid, accountId.
responseContent string The content of the review response.
reviewId string ID of the review that will be responded to.
srid string An account identifier. Must not be specified with: customerIdentifier, accountId.
responderName string Name of the review responder. Company name will be used if it is not provided.

Parameter is required exclusively of at least one other parameter. See notes column for details.

Example response
"data": {
    "agid": "AG-123XYZ", 
    "commentId": "ReviewCommentModelV2-C9173C818F5E422EA75995CD69120999", 
    "commentText": "I am glad you enjoyed my place!", 
    "commenterEmail": "test@vendasta.com", 
    "commenterName": "Lester Page", 
    "createdDateTime": null, 
    "modifiedDateTime": null, 
    "postedByDigitalAgent": false, 
    "postedByOwner": true, 
    "publishedDateTime": null, 
    "rid": "RVW-071F4D3D70E640B38ECF10DD42F51715"


This document describes the Reputation Intelligence API used to interact with Mentions.

Get Mentions by ID v2.0

Fetch the details of one or more mentions by mention ID. One of customerIdentifier or srid are required.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST/GET https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/mention/get/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
mentionId string The unique ID for a mention.
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified.
Example response
"data": {
    "MNT-7FF42F4773154D82BFC9E806F4AC1D2F": {
        "abstract": null, 
        "content": "", 
        "detailsUrl": "http://partner.domain/mentions/details/MNT-7FF42F4773154D82BFC9E806F4AC1D2F/", 
        "discoveredDateTime": "2013-07-14T23:26:51Z", 
        "domain": "eventsatcovenant.org", 
        "mentionId": "MNT-7FF42F4773154D82BFC9E806F4AC1D2F", 
        "mineFlag": false, 
        "permalink": "http://eventsatcovenant.org/newsletters/2013_03.html", 
        "publishedDateTime": "2013-07-14T23:26:42Z", 
        "relevantFlag": true, 
        "sentimentRank": 4, 
        "source": "eventsatcovenant.org", 
        "starFlag": false, 
        "title": "https://donate.covenanthospice.org/page.redir?target=http%3a%2f ...", 
        "type": "image"
    "MNT-97C89BB407614791AF2CBE184C7AD1F8": {
        "abstract": null, 
        "content": "Find Us \n Live Chat \n \n \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t                 \r\n                                                    \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSales\r\n\t\t\t\t (334) 794-6716 \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t                                                                    \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tService\r\n\t\t\t...", 
        "detailsUrl": "http://partner.domain/mentions/details/MNT-97C89BB407614791AF2CBE184C7AD1F8/", 
        "discoveredDateTime": "2013-07-14T23:26:54Z", 
        "domain": "mercedesdealer.com", 
        "mentionId": "MNT-97C89BB407614791AF2CBE184C7AD1F8", 
        "mineFlag": false, 
        "permalink": "http://www.dothan.mercedesdealer.com/service", 
        "publishedDateTime": "2013-07-14T23:26:39Z", 
        "relevantFlag": true, 
        "sentimentRank": 4, 
        "source": "dothan.mercedesdealer.com", 
        "starFlag": false, 
        "title": "Service available from Mercedes-Benz of Dothan", 
        "type": "web"
    "MNT-9DG2TBB407614791AF2CBE184C7AH3AB": {
        "abstract": null, 
        "content": "Wow, all  @ChaseSupport employees get a discount on rent @Keeneland_Crest apartments Check us out5540 Ashview DriveIndianapolis, IN 46237", 
        "detailsUrl": "http://partner.domain/mentions/details/MNT-9DG2TBB407614791AF2CBE184C7AH3AB/", 
        "discoveredDateTime": "2013-04-10T19:04:51Z", 
        "domain": "twitter.com", 
        "mentionId": "MNT-9DG2TBB407614791AF2CBE184C7AH3AB", 
        "mineFlag": false, 
        "permalink": "http://twitter.com/Keeneland_Crest/status/215826713656037377", 
        "publishedDateTime": "2012-06-21T15:21:13Z", 
        "relevantFlag": true, 
        "sentimentRank": 4, 
        "source": "twitter.com", 
        "starFlag": false, 
        "title": "Wow, all  @ChaseSupport employ...", 
        "type": "twitter"

Search Mentions v2.0

Search for mentions matching the given search terms. One of customerIdentifier or srid are required.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
  • Supports paged results nextUrl
POST/GET https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/mention/search/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified.
domain string Constrains results to a specific domain (e.g., example.com).
endDateTime datetime The end date and time for the period of time to include mentions.
maxSentimentRank integer The maximum sentiment rank for which to return mentions. Must be in the range of 1 to 5.
minSentimentRank integer The minimum sentiment rank for which to return mentions. Must be in the range of 1 to 5.
mineFlag boolean If true it constrains results to mentions that have been flagged as 'Mine'. If false it constrains results to mentions that have not been flagged as 'Mine'. If neither is provided both sets of mentions will be returned.
phrase string Constrains results to mentions with a specific phrase included in the content.
relevantFlag boolean If true it constrains results to mentions that are considered relevant. If false it constrains results to mentions that have been flagged as not relevant. If neither is provided both sets of mentions will be returned.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified.
starFlag boolean If true it constrains results to mentions that have been flagged with a star. If false or if neither is provided then starred and un-starred mentions will be returned.
startDateTime datetime The start date and time for the period of time to include mentions. startDateTime must be before endDateTime.
type string Constrains result the results the type of mention specified [blog, facebook, image, news, twitter, video, web]
pageSize int Must be a positive integer.
Example response
"data": [
        "abstract": null, 
        "content": "Find Us \n Live Chat \n \n \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t                 \r\n                                                    \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSales\r\n\t\t\t\t (334) 794-6716 \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t                                                                    \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tService\r\n\t\t\t...", 
        "detailsUrl": "http://partner.domain/mentions/details/MNT-97C89BB407614791AF2CBE184C7AD1F8/", 
        "discoveredDateTime": "2013-07-14T23:26:54Z", 
        "domain": "mercedesdealer.com", 
        "mentionId": "MNT-97C89BB407614791AF2CBE184C7AD1F8", 
        "mineFlag": false, 
        "permalink": "http://www.dothan.mercedesdealer.com/service", 
        "publishedDateTime": "2013-07-14T23:26:39Z", 
        "relevantFlag": true, 
        "sentimentRank": 4, 
        "source": "dothan.mercedesdealer.com", 
        "starFlag": false, 
        "title": "Service available from Mercedes-Benz of Dothan", 
        "type": "web"
        "abstract": null, 
        "content": "", 
        "detailsUrl": "http://partner.domain/mentions/details/MNT-7FF42F4773154D82BFC9E806F4AC1D2F/", 
        "discoveredDateTime": "2013-07-14T23:26:51Z", 
        "domain": "eventsatcovenant.org", 
        "mentionId": "MNT-7FF42F4773154D82BFC9E806F4AC1D2F", 
        "mineFlag": false, 
        "permalink": "http://eventsatcovenant.org/newsletters/2013_03.html", 
        "publishedDateTime": "2013-07-14T23:26:42Z", 
        "relevantFlag": true, 
        "sentimentRank": 4, 
        "source": "eventsatcovenant.org", 
        "starFlag": false, 
        "title": "https://donate.covenanthospice.org/page.redir?target=http%3a%2f ...", 
        "type": "image"
        "abstract": null, 
        "content": "Wow, all  @FedEx employees get a discount on rent @Keeneland_Crest apartments Check us out:5540 Ashview DriveIndianapolis, IN 46237", 
        "detailsUrl": "http://partner.domain/mentions/details/997e3923faae03ca14c4f0f54d5b14de/", 
        "discoveredDateTime": "2013-04-10T19:25:20Z", 
        "domain": "twitter.com", 
        "mentionId": "997e3923faae03ca14c4f0f54d5b14de", 
        "mineFlag": false, 
        "permalink": "http://twitter.com/Keeneland_Crest/status/215826204740169730", 
        "publishedDateTime": "2012-06-21T15:19:11Z", 
        "relevantFlag": true, 
        "sentimentRank": 4, 
        "source": "twitter.com", 
        "starFlag": false, 
        "title": "Wow, all  @FedEx employees get...", 
        "type": "twitter"

Set Mention Flags v2.0

Set the mine, starred & relevant flags for the Mention. One of customerIdentifier or srid are required.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/mention/setFlag/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
mentionId string The unique ID for a mention.
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified.
mineFlag boolean Indicates whether or not a mention has been tagged as 'Mine'.
relevantFlag boolean Indicates whether or not a mention is considered relevant.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified.
starFlag boolean Indicates whether or not a mention has been tagged with a star.

Set Mention Sentiment v2.0

Set the sentiment rank for a mention. One of customerIdentifier or srid are required.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/mention/setSentiment/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
mentionId string The unique ID for a mention.
sentimentRank integer The sentiment rank for the mention.
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified.


This document describes the Reputation Intelligence API used to interact with mention Searches.

Lookup Searches v2.0

Get the Mention Searches associated with the given account. One of customerIdentifier or srid are required.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST/GET https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/searches/lookup/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified.
Example response
"data": [
        "createdDateTime": "2013-03-22T20:39:45Z", 
        "excludeDomain": [], 
        "keyword": [
            "Kells Irish Restaurant & Pub"
        "modifiedDateTime": "2013-03-23T19:50:04Z", 
        "mustInclude": [
        "mustNotInclude": [], 
        "searchId": "SCH-27F96D5962D24B7CA1A6C020B010C916"

Create Search v2.0

Create a Mention Search. One of customerIdentifier or srid are required.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/searches/create/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
keyword string Terms to search for.
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified.
excludeDomain string Sites to exclude from the search, e.g., example.com.
mustInclude string Search terms must be included in the results.
mustNotInclude string Terms that must not be present in the results.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified.
Example response
"data": {
    "createdDateTime": "2013-03-22T20:39:45Z", 
    "excludeDomain": [], 
    "keyword": [
        "Kells Irish Restaurant & Pub"
    "modifiedDateTime": "2013-03-23T19:50:04Z", 
    "mustInclude": [
    "mustNotInclude": [], 
    "searchId": "SCH-27F96D5962D24B7CA1A6C020B010C916"

Update Mention Search v2.0

Update a Mention Search. One of customerIdentifier or srid are required.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/searches/update/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
searchId string
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified.
excludeDomain string Sites to exclude from the search, e.g., example.com.
keyword string Terms to search for.
mustInclude string Search terms must be included in the results.
mustNotInclude string Terms that must not be present in the results.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified.
Example response
"data": {
    "createdDateTime": "2013-03-22T20:39:45Z", 
    "excludeDomain": [], 
    "keyword": [
        "Kells Irish Restaurant & Pub"
    "modifiedDateTime": "2013-03-23T19:50:04Z", 
    "mustInclude": [
    "mustNotInclude": [], 
    "searchId": "SCH-27F96D5962D24B7CA1A6C020B010C916"

Delete Mention Search v2.0

Delete a Mention Search. One of customerIdentifier or srid are required.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/searches/delete/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
searchId string
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified.

Twitter Searches

This document describes the Reputation Intelligence API used to interact with mention Searches.

Lookup Twitter Searches v2.0

Get the Twitter Mention Searches associated with the given account. One of customerIdentifier or srid are required.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST/GET https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/twitterSearches/lookup/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified.
Example response
"data": [
        "createdDateTime": "2013-07-31T17:41:20Z", 
        "keyword": [
            "get a drink"
        "localSearchFlag": true, 
        "modifiedDateTime": "2013-07-31T17:41:20Z", 
        "mustInclude": "", 
        "mustNotInclude": "", 
        "searchId": "TW_SSCH-5C1DF919FDF74EBDB08EF2370EA929C5"
        "createdDateTime": "2013-07-31T17:44:41Z", 
        "keyword": [
        "localSearchFlag": false, 
        "modifiedDateTime": "2013-07-31T17:44:41Z", 
        "mustInclude": [
        "mustNotInclude": "", 
        "searchId": "TW_SSCH-C26BF5572D214B9B99A564BFA3772874"

Create Twitter Search v2.0

Create a Twitter Mention Search. One of customerIdentifier or srid are required.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/twitterSearches/create/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
keyword string Terms to search for.
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified.
localSearchFlag boolean The Twitter search is constrained to 25 miles of the business location. Default: true
mustInclude string Search terms must be present in the results.
mustNotInclude string Terms that must not be present in the results.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified.
Example response
"data": {
    "createdDateTime": "2013-07-31T17:41:20Z", 
    "keyword": [
        "get a drink"
    "localSearchFlag": true, 
    "modifiedDateTime": "2013-07-31T17:41:20Z", 
    "mustInclude": "", 
    "mustNotInclude": "", 
    "searchId": "TW_SSCH-5C1DF919FDF74EBDB08EF2370EA929C5"

Update Twitter Search v2.0

Update a Twitter Search. One of customerIdentifier or srid are required.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/twitterSearches/update/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
searchId string Identifier for the Twitter search.
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified.
keyword string Terms to search for.
localSearchFlag boolean The Twitter search is constrained to 25 miles of the business location. Default: true
mustInclude string Search terms must be present in the results.
mustNotInclude string Terms that must not be present in the results.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified.
Example response
"data": {
    "createdDateTime": "2013-07-31T17:44:41Z", 
    "keyword": [
    "localSearchFlag": false, 
    "modifiedDateTime": "2013-07-31T17:44:41Z", 
    "mustInclude": [
    "mustNotInclude": "", 
    "searchId": "TW_SSCH-C26BF5572D214B9B99A564BFA3772874"

Delete Twitter Search v2.0

Delete a Twitter Search. One of customerIdentifier or srid are required.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/twitterSearches/delete/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
searchId string Identifier for the Twitter search.
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified.


This document describes the Reputation Intelligence API used to interact with competition.

Lookup Share of Voice v2.0

Lookup share of voice information. One of customerIdentifier or srid are required.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST/GET https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/competition/lookupShareOfVoice/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified.
Example response
"data": {
    "city": "Central City", 
    "companyName": "Flash", 
    "services": {
        "Going Fast": {
            "companyPercent": 62.001771479185116, 
            "companyTotal": 700, 
            "competitors": [
                    "competitorName": "Batman", 
                    "competitorPercent": 35.4295837023915, 
                    "competitorTotal": 400
                    "competitorName": "Robin", 
                    "competitorPercent": 2.5686448184233837, 
                    "competitorTotal": 29
    "state": "Missouri"


This document describes the Reputation Intelligence API used to interact with social activities.

Get Social Stats v2.0

Get social statistics for an account. One of customerIdentifier or srid are required.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST/GET https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/social/getStats/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified.
Example response
"data": {
    "facebook": [
            "facebookPageId": "168606933171374", 
            "name": "JR Plumbing and Heating", 
            "stats": {
                "2013-10-01": 5, 
                "2013-10-02": 5, 
                "2013-10-03": 5, 
                "2013-10-04": 5, 
                "2013-10-05": 5, 
                "2013-10-06": 5, 
                "2013-10-07": 5
            "facebookPageId": "108122772563105", 
            "name": "Kells Irish Restaurant & Pub", 
            "stats": {
                "2013-10-01": 7948, 
                "2013-10-02": 7955, 
                "2013-10-03": 7956, 
                "2013-10-04": 7961, 
                "2013-10-05": 7964, 
                "2013-10-06": 7969, 
                "2013-10-07": 7973
    "foursquare": [
            "foursquareVenueId": "4a915f09f964a520011a20e3", 
            "name": "Kells Irish Restaurant & Pub", 
            "stats": {
                "2013-10-01": 6876, 
                "2013-10-02": 6878, 
                "2013-10-03": 6880, 
                "2013-10-04": 6882, 
                "2013-10-05": 6885, 
                "2013-10-06": 6890, 
                "2013-10-07": 6897
    "twitter": [
            "name": "twitterUserName", 
            "stats": {
                "2013-10-01": 209, 
                "2013-10-02": 210, 
                "2013-10-03": 220, 
                "2013-10-04": 220, 
                "2013-10-05": 220, 
                "2013-10-06": 223, 
                "2013-10-07": 223
            "twitterUserId": "847593546"


This document describes the Reputation Intelligence API used to get partner markets.

Lookup Markets v2.0

Lookup the list of markets for the current apiUser.

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST/GET https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/market/lookup/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
Example response
"data": [
        "marketId": "LV", 
        "marketName": "Las Vegas"
        "marketId": "WUSA", 
        "marketName": "Western USA"

Listing Sync Pro

This document describes the Reputation Intelligence API used to interact with Listing Sync Pro data.

Get Directory Statuses v3.0

Get the Vendasta Listing Sync Pro directory statuses for an account group. (Listing Sync Pro powered by Yext not supported).

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST/GET https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v3/listingSyncPro/getStatuses/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
accountId string Preferred account identifier; follows the format "AG-XXXXXX".
Example response

Example Response

"data": [
        "listingSource": "BING", 
        "listingStatus": "IN_SYNC", 
        "listingUrl": "https://www.bing.com/maps?osid=26740968-7e25-46cc-87a2-ce0c02161a5d", 
        "sourceLogo": "http://www.cdnstyles.com/static/images/source-icons/Bing.svg", 
        "sourceName": "Bing"
        "listingSource": "TOYOTA", 
        "listingStatus": "NO_ONLINE_LISTING", 
        "listingUrl": null, 
        "sourceLogo": "http://www.cdnstyles.com/static/images/source-icons/Toyota.svg", 
        "sourceName": "Toyota"

Deprecated Endpoints

The following endpoints are deprecated. Alternate endpoints should be used because these endpoints will stop being supported in the future.


Deprecated Visibility endpoint

Lookup Visibility v2.0


Deprecated, Please use /api/v2/listing/lookupListings/

Deprecated endpoint for LookupListingsApi

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST/GET https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/visibility/lookupListings/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified. Must not be specified with: srid.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified. Must not be specified with: customerIdentifier.
sourceId integer The listing source Id.

Parameter is required exclusively of at least one other parameter. See notes column for details.

Example response
"data": {
    "directories": [
            "favIconUrl": null, 
            "iconUrl": null, 
            "listings": [
                    "anchorData": {
                        "address": "112 Sw 2nd Ave", 
                        "city": "Portland", 
                        "companyName": "Kells Inc", 
                        "country": null, 
                        "phone": "5032415904", 
                        "state": "OR", 
                        "website": null, 
                        "zip": "97204"
                    "anchorDataMatches": {
                        "address": true, 
                        "city": true, 
                        "companyName": false, 
                        "country": false, 
                        "phone": false, 
                        "state": true, 
                        "website": false, 
                        "zip": true
                    "anchorDataWarningFlag": true, 
                    "createdDateTime": "2013-01-03T21:10:20Z", 
                    "listingId": "ae:9a16aab9060366594569ba4bc89b0fbf", 
                    "sourceSpecificDetails": null, 
                    "title": "", 
                    "url": "http://www.local.com/business/details/portland-or/kells-inc-99072012/", 
                    "userSubmittedFlag": false, 
                    "verifiedCorrectFlag": false
            "sourceId": null, 
            "sourceName": null
    "reviewengines": [], 
    "searchengines": [], 
    "socialengines": []

Lookup Possible Listings v2.0


Deprecated, Please use /api/v2/listing/lookupPossibleListings/

Deprecated endpoint for LookupPossibleListingsApi

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST/GET https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/visibility/lookupPossibleListings/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified.
sourceId integer The listing source Id.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified.
Example response
"data": {
    "directories": [
            "favIconUrl": null, 
            "iconUrl": null, 
            "listings": [
                    "anchorData": {
                        "address": "112 Sw 2nd Ave", 
                        "city": "Portland", 
                        "companyName": "Kells Inc", 
                        "country": null, 
                        "phone": "5032415904", 
                        "state": "OR", 
                        "website": null, 
                        "zip": "97204"
                    "anchorDataMatches": {
                        "address": true, 
                        "city": true, 
                        "companyName": false, 
                        "country": false, 
                        "phone": false, 
                        "state": true, 
                        "website": false, 
                        "zip": true
                    "anchorDataWarningFlag": true, 
                    "createdDateTime": "2013-01-03T21:10:20Z", 
                    "listingId": "ae:9a16aab9060366594569ba4bc89b0fbf", 
                    "sourceSpecificDetails": null, 
                    "title": "", 
                    "url": "http://www.local.com/business/details/portland-or/kells-inc-99072012/", 
                    "userSubmittedFlag": false, 
                    "verifiedCorrectFlag": false
            "sourceId": null, 
            "sourceName": null
    "reviewengines": [], 
    "searchengines": [], 
    "socialengines": []

Mark Listing Mine v2.0


Deprecated, Please use /api/v2/listing/markListingMine/

Deprecated endpoint for MarkListingMine

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/visibility/markListingMine/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
listingId string The listing Id.
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified.
Example response
"data": {
    "address": "112 SW 2nd Ave", 
    "city": "Portland", 
    "companyName": "Kells Irish Restaurant & Pub", 
    "country": null, 
    "createdDateTime": "2013-09-03T15:46:53Z", 
    "domain": "kudzu.com", 
    "listingId": "LIS-F6252B3813344AE38D11B39287840D02", 
    "phone": "5032274057", 
    "sourceId": 10670, 
    "state": "OR", 
    "title": "", 
    "url": "http://www.kudzu.com/merchant/2923084", 
    "userSubmittedFlag": true, 
    "website": "http://kellsirish.com", 
    "zip": "97204"

Mark Listing Not Mine v2.0


Deprecated, Please use /api/v2/listing/markListingNotMine/

Deprecated endpoint for MarkListingNotMine

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/visibility/markListingNotMine/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
listingId string The listing Id.
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified.
Example response
"data": {
    "address": "112 SW 2nd Ave", 
    "city": "Portland", 
    "companyName": "Kells Irish Restaurant & Pub", 
    "country": null, 
    "createdDateTime": "2013-09-03T15:46:53Z", 
    "domain": "kudzu.com", 
    "listingId": "LIS-F6252B3813344AE38D11B39287840D02", 
    "phone": "5032274057", 
    "sourceId": 10670, 
    "state": "OR", 
    "title": "", 
    "url": "http://www.kudzu.com/merchant/2923084", 
    "userSubmittedFlag": true, 
    "website": "http://kellsirish.com", 
    "zip": "97204"

Mark Listing Verified v2.0


Deprecated, Please use /api/v2/listing/markListingVerified/

Deprecated endpoint for MarkListingVerified

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/visibility/markListingVerified/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
listingId string The listing Id.
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified.
Example response
"data": {
    "address": "112 SW 2nd Ave", 
    "city": "Portland", 
    "companyName": "Kells Irish Restaurant & Pub", 
    "country": null, 
    "createdDateTime": "2013-09-03T15:46:53Z", 
    "domain": "kudzu.com", 
    "listingId": "LIS-F6252B3813344AE38D11B39287840D02", 
    "phone": "5032274057", 
    "sourceId": 10670, 
    "state": "OR", 
    "title": "", 
    "url": "http://www.kudzu.com/merchant/2923084", 
    "userSubmittedFlag": true, 
    "website": "http://kellsirish.com", 
    "zip": "97204"

Mark Listing Not Verified v2.0


Deprecated, Please use /api/v2/listing/markListingNotVerified/

Deprecated endpoint for MarkListingNotVerified

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/visibility/markListingNotVerified/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
listingId string The listing Id.
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified.
Example response
"data": {
    "address": "112 SW 2nd Ave", 
    "city": "Portland", 
    "companyName": "Kells Irish Restaurant & Pub", 
    "country": null, 
    "createdDateTime": "2013-09-03T15:46:53Z", 
    "domain": "kudzu.com", 
    "listingId": "LIS-F6252B3813344AE38D11B39287840D02", 
    "phone": "5032274057", 
    "sourceId": 10670, 
    "state": "OR", 
    "title": "", 
    "url": "http://www.kudzu.com/merchant/2923084", 
    "userSubmittedFlag": true, 
    "website": "http://kellsirish.com", 
    "zip": "97204"

Submit Listing v2.0


Deprecated, Please use /api/v2/listing/submitListing/

Deprecated endpoint for SubmitListing

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/visibility/submitListing/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
sourceId integer The listing source Id.
url string The listing url.
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified.

Lookup Listing Sources v2.0


Deprecated, Please use /api/v2/listing/lookupListingSources/

Deprecated endpoint for GetListingSourcesApi

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST/GET https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/visibility/lookupListingSources/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified.
Example response
"data": {
    "ignoredListingSources": [
            "sourceId": 10710, 
            "sourceName": "Local.com"
            "sourceId": 10690, 
            "sourceName": "LocalEdge"
    "listingSources": [
            "sourceId": 10360, 
            "sourceName": "Sea Coast Online"
            "sourceId": 10490, 
            "sourceName": "YellowPages.ca"
            "sourceId": 10750, 
            "sourceName": "Mysask411"

Get Listing Stats v2.0


Deprecated, Please use /api/v2/listing/getStats/

Deprecated endpoint for GetVisibilityStats

  • Rate limit: 300/minute
POST/GET https://reputation-intelligence-api.vendasta.com/api/v2/visibility/getStats/
Parameter Required? Type Multiples? Notes
accountGroupId string Must not be specified with: srid, customerIdentifier.
customerIdentifier string This is the unique identifier from your system. This is the unique identifier from your system. If specified, srid must not be specified. Must not be specified with: srid, accountGroupId.
srid string The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. The srid is our system's unique identifier for the account. If specified, customerIdentifier must not be specified. Must not be specified with: customerIdentifier, accountGroupId.

Parameter is required exclusively of at least one other parameter. See notes column for details.

Example response
"data": {
    "accuracyScore": 16.15567369563231, 
    "citationsFound": 42, 
    "listingPointScore": {
        "industryAverage": 80, 
        "industryLeadersAverage": 100, 
        "pointScore": 120
    "listingScore": 30.7, 
    "sourcesFound": 2, 
    "sourcesFoundWithErrors": 8, 
    "sourcesNotFound": 9