58 Spooky Statistics for Websites [Infographic]

Welcome to the most comprehensive collection of design, functionality, and content stats for websites in 2017. With over half of businesses having websites, businesses who want to experience success need to know how to stand out with their own branded site (Statistic Brain).

Welcome to Website October, or "WebTober" as we're affectionately calling it around the office. To welcome us into this new month of websites, we're giving you the ultimate infographic of spooky stats about websites for you to show your clients why websites matter.

These stats for websites illustrate why it’s essential to build the best store on the web for your vertical, and how to keep traffic and conversion rates on the rise.

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58 Stats for Websites in 2017

General Stats About Websites

  1. The average revenue for a small business is $3.6 million, but the average revenue for a small business with a website is $5.03 million
  2. 29% of small businesses do not have a website
  3. 79% of small business websites are mobile friendly
  4. 67% of businesses with annual sales of $1,000,000 - $2,490,000 have websites
  5. Low-revenue small businesses (that earn less than $1 million/year) are 30% less likely to have a website than higher-revenue companies
  6. 92% of small businesses predict that they will have a website by the end of 2018

Suggested Reading: Noob-Friendly 10-Step Guide To Creating Small Business Websites

Website Functionality Stats

  1. 64% of shoppers who had a poor experience with their site visit will shop somewhere else next time
  2. 39% of consumers will stop engaging with content if the images won’t load
  3. 39% of consumers give up on content when it takes too long to load
  4. 47% of consumers expect a page to load in 2 seconds or less
  5. 23% of online shoppers will stop shopping if page loads are too slow, while 14% of online shoppers will take their business to another site
  6. More than half (52%) of online shoppers say that quick page loading times are important for their loyalty to a site
  7. Delays at peak traffic times made more than 75% of online consumers abandon a site for a competitor’s
  8. A one second delay in website loading time can lead to a 7% loss in conversion
  9. Increasing your site’s loading speed from 8 seconds to 2 seconds can boost conversion rate by 74%
  10. A site that takes 6 seconds to load will have a 50% loss in conversion
  11. 40% of consumers will abandon a website that takes longer than 3 seconds to load
  12. 75% of online consumers will use the “back” button before a slow page fully loads
  13. 51% of American online shoppers say that a slow loading time is the top reason they abandon a purchase
  14. Slow websites cost retailers $2.6 billion in lost sales each year

Website Design Stats

  1. 38% of consumers will stop engaging with content that is unattractive in imagery or layout
  2. A consumer’s first-impression of a website is 94% design-related
  3. Website credibility is judged 75% on the site’s overall design
  4. 85% of consumers will abandon a site due to poor design
  5. Given 15 minutes, 66% of consumers would prefer consuming content that is beautifully designed than something simple
  6. It takes consumers 0.05 seconds to form an opinion about your website, so use that time wisely!
  7. The right colors increase brand recognition by 80%
  8. 52% of consumers states “aesthetics” as the main reason why they would not return to a site

Driven by data? Get more stats and facts by clicking here for a free infographic of 55 Shocking Stats about Online Reputation Management.

Website Device Stats

  1. 90% of consumers use multiple devices sequentially
  2. Not only are 97% of millennials mobile users, but 20% don’t use desktop at all
  3. 61% of digital media time is spent on mobile, with only 39% on desktop
  4. 85% of adult consumers believe that a company’s mobile site should be good or better than the desktop version
  5. 65% of customers develop a better opinion of brands, services and products when they have a great mobile experience
  6. 88% of consumers prefer to shop with retailers that deliver connected cross-channel experiences
  7. If consumers have a good experience on your mobile site, they are 59% more likely to make a purchase
  8. 67% of online shoppers are more likely to buy from a site that is compatible with mobile devices
  9. Mobile-commerce (m-commerce) saw an annual growth of 56% in 2015, while desktop e-commerce only saw an increase of 8%
  10. 50% of online shopping is done on a mobile device
  11. Almost 70% of tablet users make a purchase on their device every month
  12. Over 20% of tablet owners admit to shopping less in real life since they purchased their device
  13. While 50% of consumers will switch devices if they are having trouble interacting with the content on a site, 33% will stop engaging entirely
  14. 62% of companies that designed a site specifically for mobile experienced an increase in sales

Suggested Reading: Website Content 101: Why Ugly Websites Finish Last

Content for Websites Stats

  1. 47% of consumers check the products/services pages of a website first
  2. 65% of consumers want to see contact information on the site’s home page
  3. 44% of consumers left the website because there was no contact information
  4. Over half of consumers want to see an “about us” section on a company’s home page
  5. 54% of consumers find that a lack of contact information available on a vendor’s site reduces the vendor’s credibility
  6. In a study of 200 small business websites, 70% did not display clear calls-to-action
  7. TL;DR! 38% of consumers will stop engaging if the content is too long
  8. 50% of sales are lost because consumers can’t find the content they’re looking for
  9. 46% of consumers say that the most annoying thing about a website is the lack of message (unable to tell what the company does)
  10. Keep it down! 33% of consumers said that video/audio that plays automatically on a website annoyed them or caused them to leave
  11. 69% of consumers reported that having too many form fields deterred them from filling out a contact form
  12. 70% of viewers look at lists with bullets, while only 55% look at lists without
  13. Websites that have 51-100 pages generate 48% more traffic than website with 50 pages or less
  14. 69% of North American marketers say that personalized and dynamic content is important for their business’s website
  15. 20% of consumers think that a blog helps establish a company’s credibility
  16. B2B companies that blog once/twice a month generate 70% more leads than companies that don’t blog at all

Sources: business2community, Adobe, Econsultancy, Statistic Brain, WebsiteSetup, Online Marketing Institute, KoMarketing, NN Group, InvasionApp, TechRadar, comScore, IronPaper, Business Insider, Kinesis Inc, Entrepreneur

The world has gone digital, and business has followed. It’s easier to go where your clients’ audience is than to bring them to your door, and the biggest audience lives online (Learn more about: How to sell website services). Helping your clients carve out their own corner of digital space with a killer website is the first step to dominating the online world, and these stats for websites can be your guide. The internet is one gigantic shopping mall, and Vendasta has the tools and platform you need to deliver clients’ customers right to their store doors.

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About the Author

Dew is the a former Managing Editor at Vendasta, but will also respond to "content juggler," "blog wrangler," and "internet explorer." Speaking in fluent pop culture references, and Googling at the speed of sound, she is always looking for new and innovative ways to stretch her creative muscles.

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