20 AI Prompt Examples to Jumpstart Your AI-Powered Digital Marketing

It seems like every day AI tools are getting smarter and more versatile. That’s why leveraging AI prompt examples can transform your strategies and outcomes. From social media to content marketing, AI-powered tools can enhance your digital marketing team’s efficiency and creativity. But the question is “How do I get AI to do what I want it to?”

If you have been on the internet for any stretch of time, you have probably heard of the wonky 6-fingered portraits made by DALL-E, or the blatant content mistakes created by ChatGPT. Right now, AI is not perfect and will make mistakes, but that does not mean it is not worth experimenting with as it matures and evolves. 

The key is to be very specific about what you want when designing an AI prompt. Your prompts should be:

  • Clear and precise about what you want
  • Detailed and unambiguous
  • Relevant to the desired output

This blog will provide 20 AI prompt examples across various categories to help you jumpstart your AI-powered digital marketing efforts.

Get detailed insights on where and when your prospects are engaging

AI Prompts for Social Media

1. Caption Generation 

You are a social media manager for a trendy fashion brand. Your task is to craft a captivating and engaging caption for an Instagram post promoting the brand’s new summer collection. The goal is to increase audience interaction, drive traffic to the collection, and enhance brand awareness. Use a friendly, upbeat tone and include relevant hashtags.

Let’s see what this looks like in action:


Looking pretty good if we say so ourselves. What we’re trying to get out of this prompt is:

  • Intent: Craft engaging social media captions.
  • Desired Results: Higher engagement rates.
  • Benefits: Saves time and enhances creativity.
  • Use Case: Daily social media posts for brand awareness.

2. Hashtag Generation 

Generate a list of 10 trending hashtags that a fitness influencer can use to promote a new workout program. The hashtags should be relevant, popular, and likely to increase visibility and engagement on social media platforms.

What we’re trying to get out of this prompt is:

  • Intent: Identify popular hashtags.
  • Desired Results: Improved reach and visibility.
  • Benefits: Increases post-discoverability.
  • Use Case: Boosting post reach and engagement.

3. Post Ideas 

As a social media strategist for a tech startup, generate 5 creative post ideas that showcase the innovative features of a new app. The posts should be designed to engage the audience, highlight the app's unique benefits, and drive user interest and downloads.

What we’re trying to get out of this prompt is:

  • Intent: Inspire content creation.
  • Desired Results: Diverse and engaging posts.
  • Benefits: Streamlines content planning.
  • Use Case: Weekly content planning for product launches.

4. Engagement Prompts 

Create an engaging question for followers that will encourage them to share their opinions and experiences about a new travel destination. The question should inspire conversation, personal stories, and travel tips.

What we’re trying to get out of this prompt is:

  • Intent: Foster audience interaction.
  • Desired Results: Higher comment rates.
  • Benefits: Increases user engagement and feedback.
  • Use Case: Interactive posts to boost engagement.

Pro Tip: Leverage AI marketing integration. Maximize the potential of your digital marketing strategy by incorporating AI tools. AI marketing integration can help you automate tasks, personalize customer interactions, and analyze data more efficiently.

AI Prompts for Digital Advertising

AI social marketing campaigns and other forms of AI prompts for digital advertising can help you generate compelling posts, identify trending hashtags, and optimize posting times to increase engagement and reach. Let’s take a look at a few AI prompt examples to get those creative juices flowing:

5. Ad Copy Generation 

Write a compelling advertisement for a new eco-friendly water bottle, highlighting its sustainability features. The ad copy should emphasize the bottle's eco-friendly materials, durability, and its positive impact on the environment. Capture the audience’s attention and persuade them to choose this sustainable option for their hydration needs.

Let's see how this plays out in ChatGPT:


Not too shabby. At the end of the day, what we’re trying to get out of this prompt is:

  • Intent: Generate persuasive ad copy.
  • Desired Results: Higher click-through rates.
  • Benefits: Enhances ad effectiveness.
  • Use Case: Ad campaigns for product launches.

6. Target Audience Identification 

Identify the ideal target audience for a luxury skincare product and suggest effective ad targeting criteria. Consider demographics, interests, and behaviors that align with luxury beauty preferences.

What we’re trying to get out of this prompt is:

  • Intent: Define target demographics.
  • Desired Results: More effective ad targeting.
  • Benefits: Improves ad relevance and ROI.
  • Use Case: Ad targeting for niche markets.

7. A/B Testing Ideas 

Propose three distinct headlines for an online course advertisement to conduct A/B testing and determine the most effective performer.

What we’re trying to get out of this prompt is:

  • Intent: Optimize ad performance.
  • Desired Results: Insights into effective headlines.
  • Benefits: Increases ad efficiency through testing.
  • Use Case: A/B testing for digital ads.

8. Visual Ad Concepts 

Develop a concept for a visual ad campaign that highlights the eco-friendly features of a new electric vehicle. Create compelling visuals and messaging that emphasize sustainability, innovation, and the benefits of choosing electric vehicles.

What we’re trying to get out of this prompt is:

  • Intent: Inspire visual ad creation.
  • Desired Results: Creative and compelling visuals.
  • Benefits: Enhances the visual appeal of ads.
  • Use Case: Visual ad campaigns for product launches.

Pro Tip: Humanize your AI-generated content. While AI can produce content quickly and efficiently, it's crucial to maintain a human touch. Learn how to humanize AI-generated content to ensure it resonates with your audience and feels authentic.

AI Prompts for Reputation Management

9. Review Response Templates 

Compose a courteous and empathetic response to a customer's negative review regarding delayed shipping. Ensure the response acknowledges the inconvenience caused, expresses understanding and offers reassurance or resolution steps.

Here is the review in question: [Insert customer feedback]

This one might be a bit of a challenge for the AI since we need to be careful in how we word things in order not to upset the customer any further. Let’s take a look at the results we got:


Not too bad. Just insert your information, and you should be ready to go. Of course, it never hurts to personalize things a bit to make sure it aligns with your branding. What we’re trying to get out of this prompt is:

  • Intent: Address customer concerns professionally.
  • Desired Results: Improved brand reputation.
  • Benefits: Enhances customer satisfaction.
  • Use Case: Managing online reviews.

10. Reputation Monitoring 

Set up an AI prompt to monitor online mentions of a brand and promptly notify the team of any negative comments. Ensure the prompt is designed to detect negative sentiment, identify the source of the mention, and provide relevant context for effective response management.

What we’re trying to get out of this prompt is:

  • Intent: Monitor brand mentions.
  • Desired Results: Proactive reputation management.
  • Benefits: Swift issue resolution.
  • Use Case: Ongoing brand reputation monitoring.

11. Crisis Communication 

Draft a public statement for [company] addressing a PR crisis resulting from a product recall. The product is [insert product description]. The statement should convey transparency, accountability, and assurance to customers and stakeholders, outlining the steps taken to address the issue and ensure customer safety and satisfaction.

What we’re trying to get out of this prompt is:

  • Intent: Communicate effectively during a crisis.
  • Desired Results: Minimized reputational damage.
  • Benefits: Maintains customer trust.
  • Use Case: Crisis communication planning.

12. Customer Feedback Analysis 

Analyze the following list of customer feedback to identify recurring complaints and propose actionable improvements. Focus on understanding the root causes of the complaints and recommend specific strategies or changes to address them effectively.

List of feedback to be analyzed: [Insert feedback]

What we’re trying to get out of this prompt is:

  • Intent: Extract insights from feedback.
  • Desired Results: Product and service improvements.
  • Benefits: Enhances customer experience.
  • Use Case: Continuous improvement based on feedback.

Pro Tip: Utilize white label AI software. Consider using white label AI software to enhance your offerings. This allows you to brand the software as your own while leveraging advanced AI capabilities, providing more value to your clients without the need for extensive development resources.


AI Prompts for Content Marketing

13. Blog Topic Generation

Generate five compelling blog post ideas for a health and wellness blog centered around mental health awareness. Ensure the topics are informative, supportive, and engaging, catering to the interests and concerns of an audience seeking mental health resources and guidance.

The topic surrounding mental health can be tough to navigate. Let’s see how ChatGPT performs with this AI prompt example:

ai-prompt-examples-blog-topic-generation-vendastaNotice how the topics are useful and relevant, but different enough to provide variety to our intended audience. What we’re trying to get out of this prompt is:

  • Intent: Inspire content creation.
  • Desired Results: Diverse and engaging blog topics.
  • Benefits: Streamlines content planning.
  • Use Case: Monthly content calendar planning.

14. Content Outline Creation

Develop a comprehensive outline for a blog post discussing the advantages of remote work. Include key points such as increased flexibility, improved work-life balance, productivity benefits, and cost savings. Organize the outline with clear subheadings to structure the content effectively.

What we’re trying to get out of this prompt is:

  • Intent: Structure content effectively.
  • Desired Results: Well-organized and comprehensive posts.
  • Benefits: Enhances content quality.
  • Use Case: Blog post preparation.

15. SEO Optimization

Propose primary and secondary keywords for a blog post focusing on the latest digital marketing trends. Ensure the keywords are relevant to current industry developments and can enhance the post's visibility and search engine optimization (SEO) performance.

What we’re trying to get out of this prompt is:

  • Intent: Optimize content for search engines.
  • Desired Results: Improved SEO rankings.
  • Benefits: Increases organic traffic.
  • Use Case: SEO-focused content creation.

16. Content Refresh Ideas

Recommend updates and new sections to enhance this existing blog post on social media marketing tips, making it more relevant and engaging.

Consider incorporating recent trends, case studies, practical examples, and expert insights to provide actionable advice that resonates with readers.

[Attach blog] 

What we’re trying to get out of this prompt is:

  • Intent: Keep content current and engaging.
  • Desired Results: Higher reader retention.
  • Benefits: Extends the life of existing content.
  • Use Case: Content updating and repurposing.

Pro Tip: Implement AI in your content marketing strategies. Integrate AI into your content marketing and social media strategies to streamline content creation and engagement. AI social media tools can help you automate posts, analyze performance, and refine your approach for better results. 

To stay ahead in the competitive digital marketing landscape, it’s time to fully embrace AI in digital marketing.

AI Prompts for Graphic Images

17. Infographic Ideas 

Generate three infographic concepts that visually communicate the key statistics from this recent digital marketing survey. Each infographic should effectively highlight important data points, trends, and insights to engage and inform the audience.

[Attach survey]

Now, hear us out, we did not include a survey with this AI prompt example, but it was interesting to see that the response it gave was still a very useful guide. You could easily insert your own survey data into this prompt and achieve more specific results.


What we’re trying to get out of this prompt is:

  • Intent: Visualize data effectively.
  • Desired Results: Engaging and informative infographics.
  • Benefits: Enhances content appeal.
  • Use Case: Data presentation in blogs or reports.

18. Social Media Graphics 

Develop a concept for a visually appealing social media graphic to promote a discount sale for a fashion brand. The graphic should effectively communicate the details of the sale (e.g., discount percentage, promotion period), showcase key products, and incorporate brand elements to attract and engage the target audience.

What we’re trying to get out of this prompt is:

  • Intent: Design eye-catching graphics.
  • Desired Results: Increased social media engagement.
  • Benefits: Attracts attention and drives action.
  • Use Case: Social media campaigns.

19. Presentation Slides 

Design a visually compelling slide for a marketing presentation that prominently showcases the growth metrics from the past quarter. Include key performance indicators (KPIs) such as revenue growth, customer acquisition rates, and market expansion figures in an easy-to-understand format. Ensure the slide is visually appealing, data-driven, and effectively communicates the success and progress achieved.

What we’re trying to get out of this prompt is:

  • Intent: Enhance presentation visuals.
  • Desired Results: Clear and compelling slides.
  • Benefits: Improves audience engagement.
  • Use Case: Business presentations.

20. E-book Cover Design 

Develop a concept for the cover design of an e-book focused on AI in digital marketing. The design should visually convey the integration of artificial intelligence with digital marketing strategies. Incorporate relevant symbols, such as AI algorithms or digital interfaces, and use colors that evoke innovation and technology. Ensure the cover design is eye-catching, professional, and aligns with the theme of AI-driven advancements in marketing.

What we’re trying to get out of this prompt is:

  • Intent: Design attractive e-book covers.
  • Desired Results: More appealing e-books.
  • Benefits: Increases e-book downloads.
  • Use Case: Digital publications.

Pro Tip: Monetize your creativity with AI art. Explore the growing trend of AI art to create and sell unique pieces. Learn how to make money with AI art and tap into new revenue streams by leveraging artistic AI tools.


Integrating AI into your digital marketing strategies can greatly enhance your creativity, efficiency, and results. By leveraging these AI prompt examples, you can streamline your processes and elevate your marketing efforts to new heights. Try these prompts today and experience the major boost you will receive from leveraging AI in digital marketing.

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About the Author

Mary-Margaret Bennett is a Content Marketing Specialist at Vendasta, with a versatile background spanning business development, IT project management, and work as a writer and graphic designer across various industries. Outside of her professional endeavors, she enjoys birdwatching and crafting work for local art exhibitions.

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