Google Ads Automation: The Ultimate Guide

It’s time to do more with less effort with Google Ads automation

Google Ads automation is your trusty helper that takes care of repetitive tasks in your ad campaigns. It uses technology and algorithms to do things faster and more accurately than a human can. You can think of it as your secret weapon for saving time, getting better results, and reaching more potential customers. 

But here's the thing: automation isn't a magic fix-it-all button. You still need to know how to use it wisely to get the best results.

Throughout this guide, we'll break down different types of Google Ads automation and show you how to integrate AI automations in real-life situations to make your ads shine, even for AI startups with little to no experience, So let's dive in and unlock the full potential of your Google Ads campaigns.

Send highly personalized automated campaigns that turn heads

What is Google Ads Automation?

The project management automation tools found in Google Ads use data and performance metrics to make recommendations and changes to your campaign automatically, saving AI marketing agencies like yours a lot of time, all while improving campaign effectiveness in the process. 

That means it helps you do better at your job getting folks down AI powered funnels, which makes you look even better to clients and prospects. It’s a win-win.

Why Should You Care?

  • Saves You Time: Instead of spending hours on manual tasks, the SEO automation software does the work for you, freeing up your calendar for other, more important stuff.
  • Gets Better Results: Automation can analyze lots of data quickly and make smart decisions to improve your ad performance.
  • Grows with You: Whether you're just starting out, or managing massive campaigns, automation helps you scale up without getting overwhelmed.

Types of Google Ads Automation

Google Ads automation comes in many forms, each serving a specific purpose to make your advertising job a heck of a lot easier. Here are the main types you need to know about:

Automated Bidding Strategies


Ever wished you had a personal bidding maestro to help you get the most out of your clients’ ad budgets? Well, with automated bidding strategies, you do. These strategies use machine learning to help you better run your AI consulting services, enabling you to adjust your bids in real-time based on factors like conversion likelihood and target cost per acquisition (CPA).

Here are some examples of automated bidding strategies:

  • Target CPA (Cost Per Acquisition): Set a target cost for acquiring each customer, and let Google's algorithms adjust your bids to meet that goal.
  • Target ROAS (Return on Ad Spend): Aim for a specific return on investment (ROAS) and let automation adjust your bids to maximize your returns.
  • Maximize Conversions: Let Google automatically adjust your bids to get you as many conversions as possible within your budget.

When to Use Them: Automated bidding strategies are great for saving time and getting better results, especially when you have lots of data to work with. Just make sure to set realistic goals and keep an eye on performance to make sure things stick to the straight and narrow.

Automated Ad Creation

Trying to write convincing ad copy can be a pain at times when you have short deadlines and countless clients to juggle, but with automated ad creation, Google does the heavy lifting for you. 

Responsive search ads and responsive display ads adapt to fit different ad placements, making your ads more relevant and effective. Here’s what they do:

  • Responsive Search Ads: Write multiple headlines and descriptions, and Google will mix and match them to create the best-performing ad combinations on search.
  • Responsive Display Ads: Upload different images, headlines, and descriptions, and Google will automatically create ads that look great on any website or device.

Tips for Success: Heard of the saying “Garbage in, garbage out?” It’s a concept that essentially means if you don’t put the work in to make something a success, it’s of course going to fail. That’s why you should provide a variety of high-quality assets for Google to work with, and regularly review and optimize your ad combinations to ensure the best results.

Automated Campaign Types:

Google offers automated campaign types like Smart Campaigns and Performance Max to simplify your advertising efforts. These campaigns use omnichannel marketing automation to tailor your ads across multiple channels and placements automatically.

Here’s a little more about them, and how they differ from each other:

About Smart Campaigns

Perfect for small businesses or beginners, Smart Campaigns automate ad creation, targeting, and bidding to get you results with minimal effort. Check it out:

About Performance Max

Designed for larger advertisers, Performance Max campaigns use machine learning to optimize your ads across Google's entire network, including search, display, and even YouTube. Here’s a quick synopsis:

Keep in Mind: While these automated campaign types can be convenient, they may not offer the same level of control as manual campaigns. Consider your goals and budget before you decide to take the plunge.

Next Steps:

Now that you know the main types of Google Ads automation, it's time to roll up your sleeves and start putting them to work for your business. In the next few sections, we'll show you how to: 

  • Set up and optimize automated bidding
  • Create effective responsive ads
  • Make the most of automated campaign types

Let's get into it.

Setting Up Automated Bidding

Automated bidding is like having a full-time assistant managing your bids for you 24/7, but just like any new hire, you need to set them up for success by laying a good groundwork first. Here's a step-by-step guide to getting started with automated bidding in Google Ads:

Step 1: Choose the Right Bidding Strategy

Before diving in, consider your advertising goals and choose the bidding strategy that best aligns with them. This includes things like: 

  • Maximizing conversions
  • Achieving a target CPA
  • Optimizing for ROAS

No matter your goal, there's a bidding strategy for you.

Step 2: Enable Conversion Tracking

Automated bidding relies on accurate conversion data to make bidding decisions. Make sure you have conversion tracking set up properly in your Google Ads account to track actions like: 

Don’t have a lead generation website? Create one quickly and effectively with Website Pro and our powerful AI tools. Need inspiration? Vishal teaches you how to create a high-performing AI agency website right here:

Step 3: Set Your Budget and Targets

Determine your budget and set realistic targets for your automated bidding strategy. Whether you're aiming for a specific cost per acquisition or a target return on ad spend, make sure your targets align with your overall business goals. Otherwise, you are setting yourself up for failure and not meeting your clients'  inflated expectations. Not a good look.

Step 4: Choose the Right Settings

When setting up automated bidding, pay attention to the advanced settings that are available to you. For example, you can adjust bid strategies for different devices, locations, or audiences to further optimize your campaigns.

Step 5: Monitor Performance and Adjust

Once your automated bidding strategy is up and running, keep a close eye on performance metrics like conversion rate, cost per conversion, and return on ad spend. If you're not seeing the results you want, don't be afraid to make adjustments to your bidding strategy or targets. The sooner, the better, frankly.

Recommended Settings:

  • Start with a conservative bid strategy and gradually increase automation as you gain confidence and see positive results.
  • Use Google's recommended bid strategies based on your campaign objectives and historical performance data.
  • Experiment with different bidding strategies and settings to find what works best for your specific campaigns and goals.

Creating Responsive Ads

Responsive ads are like the chameleons of the advertising world—they can adapt to fit any space or format. Here's how to craft compelling responsive ads that capture attention and drive results:

Step 1: Writing Effective Headlines and Descriptions

  • Keep headlines concise, compelling, and relevant to the user's search intent.
  • Use action-oriented language and highlight key selling points or unique benefits.
  • Craft descriptions that provide additional context and encourage users to take action, such as making a purchase or contacting your business.

Step 2: Image and Logo Requirements

  • Choose high-quality images and logos that align with your brand identity and messaging.
  • Ensure images are clear, visually appealing, and relevant to the products or services being promoted.
  • Follow Google's image and logo guidelines regarding size, format, and content to ensure compliance and optimal display across devices.

Pro Tip: Google recommends that content be at least 1024 x 683 px with a preference for up to 2048 x 1366 px. They also prefer a 1:1 ratio, allowing for more cropping versatility. Google also recommends that vertical or horizontal subjects be centered and focused.


(Source, Google)

Step 3: Analyzing and Optimizing Ad Combinations

  • Test different combinations of headlines, descriptions, and images to identify top-performing variations.
  • Monitor performance metrics such as click-through rate, conversion rate, and cost-per-acquisition to gauge your ad’s effectiveness.
  • Use Google Ads' reporting tools to analyze ad performance over time and identify trends or opportunities for optimization.
  • Continuously refine your ad creative based on data-driven insights, focusing on elements that vibe best with your target audience.

With these best practices in mind, you’re well on your way to creating effective responsive ads that engage your audience, drive clicks, and ultimately, help you achieve your advertising goals on Google Ads.

Using Google Ads Automation Safely

Google Ads automation is a powerful tool, but using it without careful oversight can lead to costly mistakes. Here's how to navigate the automation landscape more safely and effectively:

Step 1: Stay Vigilant with Monitoring and Adjustments

  • Keep a close eye on your automated campaigns, regularly checking the performance metrics we discussed before.
  • Make adjustments as needed based on your campaign goals and performance data. Don't hesitate to tweak bids, ad copy, or targeting settings early on to improve results.

Step 2: Avoid Common Pitfalls

  • Resist the temptation to cast a wide net with overly broad targeting for your AI lead generation. Instead, focus on reaching your ideal audience to maximize your return on investment.
  • Beware of low-quality leads or traffic sources that could drain your budget without giving anything back in return. You can use negative keywords and exclusions to filter out irrelevant traffic.

Step 3: Know When Human Intervention is Necessary

  • While task automation software can juggle a lot, it's not a substitute for human insight and strategic thinking.
  • Be prepared to step in when needed, using your expertise to interpret data, identify trends, and make informed decisions that align with your objectives.
  • Know when to reach out to help. At Vendasta, we offer white-label digital advertising services to help you stay on track with your goals.

By staying proactive and maintaining a balance between automation and human oversight, you can ensure that your AI content marketing and advertising campaigns deliver the best possible results while minimizing risk.

Automation for Different Industries

Looking to break into AI and need some business ideas? Advertising and marketing automation strategies may vary depending on the industry you're in. Here's how to adapt automation techniques to different sectors:


  • Focus on dynamic remarketing to target users who have shown interest in specific products.
  • Leverage automated bidding strategies like target ROAS to maximize revenue while maintaining a healthy return on ad spend (ROAS).
  • Use ad customizers to create dynamic ad copy that reflects real-time inventory and pricing.

Lead Generation

  • Implement Smart Bidding strategies like target CPA to optimize for conversions within your cost-per-acquisition goals.
  • Utilize audience targeting and remarketing to reach potential leads at different stages of the buying cycle.
  • Experiment with responsive search ads to test different messaging variations and optimize performance over time.

Local Businesses

  • Take advantage of location targeting to reach customers in specific geographic areas.
  • Use Smart Campaigns to simplify campaign management and drive foot traffic to physical locations.
  • Incorporate ad extensions like location extensions and call extensions to provide additional information and encourage direct contact.

B2B Services

  • Utilize audience targeting to reach decision-makers and influencers within target organizations.
  • Experiment with lead form extensions to capture contact information directly within the ad.
  • Implement Smart Bidding strategies like maximizing conversions to automatically adjust bids and maximize the number of conversions within your budget.

Examples of Good (and Bad) Automation

From sending email marketing campaigns to damage control, automation is used by lots of companies to help them keep on top of their online presence and raise awareness for their products and services. However, sometimes algorithms don’t behave the way we expect, leading to some major automation fails. 

Let’s take a look at a good and bad example of automation at work.

Mattel and Warner Bros: The Barbie Movie

Barbie The Movie took 2023 by storm with its ingenious marketing campaign.

The campaign's success can be attributed to its multifaceted approach, which included strategic partnerships like the Barbie pink Xbox console and the Barbie Malibu DreamHouse on Airbnb.

It was complemented by a strong social media presence, online ads on nearly every major website, influencer collaborations, merchandise tie-ins, and immersive online content, the campaign propelled Barbie: The Movie to box office success, earning over $1 billion worldwide within just three weeks. 

This remarkable achievement underscores the power of strategic breadcrumb marketing and multi-channel advertising efforts, capturing the attention of audiences of all ages and backgrounds. These folks leveraged precise targeting, kept their eyes on the prize, and amplified their presence through effective collaborations.

google-ads-automation-the-barbie-movie-vendasta (Source, Khoros)


When a delighted customer complimented Domino's by posting a picture of their pizza and calling it the best ever, the response from the company seemed off. Normally, you say thanks when someone compliments you, right? 

Well, Domino's instead promptly replied with an apologetic comment, which we suspect could have been an automated customer service bot attempting to mitigate a bad situation when there wasn’t one. 

google-ads-automation-dominos-vendasta (Source, Hubspot)

Want even more? Check out these marketing automation examples.

Future of Google Ads Automation

As technology advances, so too does its impact on Google Ads automation. Here's a glimpse into what we think the future holds for this powerful tool:

New Automation Features

Google is constantly innovating its ad platform, introducing new automation features to streamline campaign management further. From more advanced bidding strategies to enhanced ad creation tools, we foresee these features making advertising even more efficient and effective.

Increasing Role of AI and Machine Learning

We believe artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are poised to play an even larger role in Google Ads automation. These technologies can analyze vast amounts of data in real-time, allowing advertisers to optimize their campaigns with precision and agility. 

We have already seen its impact on answering questions with the recently launched Google AI, and CRM marketing automation, so it’s no surprise to expect more new and exciting advancements in the near future.

Importance of Adapting

To stay ahead in digital advertising, businesses must adapt to the evolving landscape of automation. This means embracing new features, experimenting with different strategies, and continuously refining their approach based on emerging trends and technologies.

By staying informed and proactive, advertisers can harness the full potential of Google Ads automation to drive better results and stay ahead of the curve.

Did you know? Speaking of adapting to new changes, Google has announced that it will discontinue Google Business Messages (GBM) on July 31, 2024.


In this guide to Google Ads automation, we've explored the power of automation in streamlining advertising efforts and driving better results for you and your clients. By leveraging automated bidding strategies, creating responsive ads, and embracing new features, digital marketing agencies can save themselves time, improve performance, and maximize their ROI.

However, while automation offers numerous benefits, it's essential to strike a balance between automation and human control. While automation can handle repetitive tasks and optimize campaigns, we strongly believe human oversight is still necessary to ensure strategy alignment and the best performance.

As you navigate Google Ads automation, remember to:

  • Keep up with new features and developments in automation technology.
  • Continuously analyze and optimize your campaigns based on data and insights.
  • Find the right balance between automation and manual control to achieve your advertising goals.

For further learning, explore additional resources provided by Google Ads, industry blogs, and, of course, the digital marketing experts here at Vendasta.

About the Author

Mary-Margaret Bennett is a Content Marketing Specialist at Vendasta, with a versatile background spanning business development, IT project management, and work as a writer and graphic designer across various industries. Outside of her professional endeavors, she enjoys birdwatching and crafting work for local art exhibitions.

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