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How to Get Instant Presentations from Facebook Lead Ads

Get An Instant Sales Presentation from Facebook Ads

You know you have to be advertising on Facebook.

You know how to create an ad.

You know how to get clicks.

Now I’m going to show you how to generate daily leads.

Better yet, I’m going to give you a step-by-step formula to get instant presentations to sell your agency’s offering one-on-one with your clients.

Follow these three steps exactly and start raking in social revenue.

STEP 1: Create an audience that converts

When I found out the number one KPI agencies and media companies are after is capturing leads on social media, I thought it was bizarre.

The B2B world has it made with Facebook advertising. The platform is built for lead conversion.

The blueprint I’ve been using to generate thousands of leads in the last six months is this:

  • Set up your audience to target the employees of the companies you want to prospect
  • Set up your ad so it speaks to them directly

Target employees

Forget about demographics like interests and behaviors. Don’t need that—it will convolute things.

This is B2B, right?

You know who your client is.

You know where they work.

You know who the decision-makers are.

Facebook allows you to create an audience based on these exact criterions.

Example: let’s say your agency is after luxury car dealerships in New York. Your audience should look something like this:

audience details

No matter what industry you're after, these audience parameters will work for your business.

Sounds simple. It is simple. Do it.

Quick tip: If you create an audience that’s complex, chances are capturing leads will be too.

STEP 2: Use the name of your clients’ business in your copy

I can’t stress this enough. Sounds basic, but this needs to be done for every ad you create. If you’re not getting leads, I can tell you this is the primary reason why.

You’re competing with millions of other ads out there. Make sure your target sees yours—lace all of them with audience-specific messaging—in the headline, text, and description.

In the 333 ads I’ve created and the 2317 leads generated from them, I’ve had two (same campaign) that didn’t convert any leads.

My targeting was dialled-in, but my message didn’t catch my audience’s attention.

targeted ad content

targeted ad content

What’s missing? There’s no mention of agency or media company. No ticky. No tacky.

Use the name of your clients’ business in your copy. I promise, you will reap the benefits, tenfold.

Sounds is simple. It is simple. Do it.

STEP 3: Use Facebook Lead Ads (the grail of social advertising)

Select the Facebook Lead Ad feature in your Ads Manager menu.

Facebook lead ad

A Facebook Lead Ad is an ad that shows up in the user’s newsfeed like any other ad.

The difference is: when they click through, they’re taken to a native lead card that acts as a mini-landing page.

If they’re interested in knowing more, they click-through to a form that’s pre-populated with their information. From there, they click submit and you’ve captured their info for a follow-up.

I’ve seen a lot of businesses use Facebook Lead Ads for top of funnel stuff like content downloads, webinars et al, but rarely have I seen them used for presentations or consultations.

Which makes sense—you’re wondering, how do you get an unprimed user straight to the altar in half a minute or less?

I’ll show you.

The 3-click method to instant presentations

The concept is this: create a strong enough demand for your offering to get the user to click three times.

The application is this:

Click 1: The Newsfeed Ad

Start with a simple hook to a deeper story. Make the call to action a logical first step: “Learn more”.

Newsfeed ad

Click 2: The Lead Card

Continue the story. Tell the user about the benefits of your business or products. This call to action is critical. Don’t make the mistake and use something passive like, “Find Out More Today”. Here, you have to get the user to make a commitment.

The lead card

Click 3: The Pre-populated Form

The fields are auto-filled with the user’s info. All they have to do now is click submit and seal their commitment.

The Pre-populated Form

Okay, so I can hear some of you thinking, “cool idea, clever marketing etc.,” but there’s no way in hell you’re actually getting presentations from this.

I’m telling you that we are… and I’ll tell you why it works after you see these numbers:

Flight: 114 days

Leads: 757

Presentations: 156

Closed Won: 18

(Data from the day Vendasta Leads Ads started, August 22, 2016  to present)

From the 3-click method, Vendasta’s marketing department has passed on 757 qualified leads to sales in under four months.

From those, we’ve secured 156 presentations. That’s more than one presentation every single day. And from those presentations, we closed 18 deals—a new acquisition every six days.

Why Facebook Lead Ads for presentations work

Quick context: my mother had a masters in Behavioral Economics—a field of study that examines the psychology of decision-making. More has rubbed off on me than I realized, and I've been fortunate enough to apply it as a marketer.

Facebook Lead Ads are successful because the user doesn’t have to work to make a choice.

What happens when you get exported to an external landing page? Thanks to all of the shitty marketing and landing pages we’ve been exposed to, we’re conditioned to believe the potential value of the offer is not worth the work to get it.

You have to:

Work to acclimate to the page.

Work to read the page.

Work to fill out the form.

And hardest of all, work to make the decision to commit to a presentation.

99 out of 100 times, you bounce within a second of landing.

The Facebook Lead Ad format nullifies all of that.

It’s a native lead card with five bullet points.

There's no form to fill.

There’s no thinking.

There’s no work.

All you have to do is push a button 3x and wait for a call.

The potential value of your offer has now tipped the scale back into your favour.

There it is. That’s how you get instant presentations.

Quick tip: I didn’t pitch Vendasta’s entire platform. I started with a piece of our story that leads to a bigger plot. Think of it like a movie trailer—start with something small the user can process in a short amount of time. Too much thinking is work, and too much work will cost you the lead.

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About the Author

Jamie is a former Demand Generation Strategist, specializing in advertising campaign development and lead generation communications. When he's not cracking codes on Facebook and Adwords, Jamie loves playing with his Siberian Forest cats, and going for walks.

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