What the Heck Does Vendasta do?

The age-old question: What does Vendasta do? For someone hearing about Vendasta for the first time, they’re likely going to whip out their handy-dandy, pocket-sized Google machine and search for Vendasta. When they do, this is what they will find:

“Vendasta is a white-label platform built to help B2B companies provide marketing solutions to local businesses.”

What does that mean?

First, let’s go through the many, many, many acronyms that Vendasta uses.

Sales CRM Sales Customer-Relationship Management 
O&O Owned and Operated 
DIY Do It Yourself
DIFM Do It For Me
DIWM™ Do It With Me
SMBs Small-Medium Businesses
B2B Business to Business
CAC Customer Acquisition Cost
ROI Return on Investment
ZMOT Zero Moment of Truth


Let’s try explaining it again.

Vendasta provides white-labelled marketing, sales CRM, task management, reputation management O&O, and re sellable products—including DIY, DIFM and DIWM services—so channel partners can help SMBs reduce CAC, combat churn and prove ROI in today’s ZMOT landscape.

Clear as mud?

Let’s break it down a little further. A white-label product is a product or service produced by one company (the producer i.e. Vendasta) that other companies (the marketing agencies) rebrand to make it appear as if they had made it.


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Vendasta provides an end-to-end platform to 14,000+ channel partners who sell digital products and services to more than 2 million SMBs. The likes of marketing agencies, broadcasters, publishers, banks, telecoms, and more are able to utilize Vendasta’s rebrandable platform to automate their marketing, organize their sales, take best-of-breed solutions to market, and manage their client accounts – all under a simple, single login. In turn, an SMB client can access a dashboard to monitor improvements and manage their business’ online presence.


An Inside Look

We asked our Vendastians to tell us what myths people thought they do at Vendasta versus what they actually do.


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Marketing Services:

MYTH: A big misconception people have is that Marketing Services is a call-center. The SMBs often think that Marketing Services teams are completely taking over the marketing work for the SMB’s business.

FACT: In reality, a lot of what Marketing Services does require the assistance of the SMB. For example, when Marketing Services is working on social posting, they take over the actual content writing for the business; however, they need to keep open lines of communication so that they can write relevant, engaging content that speaks to the business in a knowledgeable way. In addition to the work Marketing Services does, businesses are encouraged to be active on their social media channels alongside the work that Marketing Services is providing.

Product Managers:

MYTH: Product Managers are the boss, they have total control over each and every product and the vendors.

FACT: Product Managers influence, but have no authority over anyone. Their entire focus is on the success of the product. To accomplish this, they set visions and goals, collaborate with customers and with other departments, keep and interpret metrics, inspire the team and the product users, and continually refine the product.



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Demand Generation:

MYTH: Demand Generation is marketing spam. As soon as we start talking about SEO, PPC, pipeline management, etc. peoples eyes tend to glaze over. They hear “online marketing” and immediately picture irritating pop-ups and display ads.

FACT: Demand Generation fuels the ship with leads while the C-Suite steers it. Ultimately, since Demand Generation feeds the company’s sales pipeline, it’s up to them to determine how fast we go as a company. Demand Generation also nurtures the leads before they get to sales by informing and providing value to the target audience.


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MYTH: People often think developers are like tech support and know all the ins-and-outs of everything technical when it comes to computers.

FACT: In reality, they are really spending a lot of time communicating between people, whiteboarding out ideas, and trying to figure out how to solve problems. Actually writing the code can sometimes be the thing that developers do the least on a given day.

UX/UI Designer:

MYTH: UX/UI designers are all about coding. Building computer software out of the 0's and 1’s, and designing websites.

FACT: First things first, UX and UI are not the same thing. User experience design (UX) is a strategic design process that aims to create an easy to use/quickly understood solution to products/sites that people use. User interface design (UI) focuses on the look and style of the software and sites people use.

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MYTH: Traditionally people think that Sales reps are a bunch of sharks doing whatever they can, and saying whatever they need to get people to spend their money; like the stereotypical used car salesman.

FACT: What Sales actually does is talk to leads to find out if there are any problems they can solve for them. In fact, Sales reps (ideally) want to work closely with a prospect to build rapport, understand their business, figure out their pain points, and then help them with solutions. Ultimately, the Sales team exists to help customers realize the solution to their problems while simultaneously driving revenue for the company

Vendasta in Summary

Vendasta is the #1 platform for agency partners selling digital solutions to local businesses. By offering a marketplace of re-sellable products and services and an automated marketing platform, Vendasta’s channel partners are empowered to become cloud brokers by acquiring, retaining, and growing their client base.

What the heck does Vendasta do blog in-line image 6 The Vendasta platform is used by more than 60,000 global agencies, managed service providers, and media companies to sell to more than 5 million local businesses around the world. Vendasta has been named one of the fifty fastest growing technology companies in Canada and one of the top 500 fastest growing in North America by Deloitte, two years in a row.

Vendasta is a technology company made up of the best-of-the-best software developers, marketing gurus, and devoted sales reps striving to empower Vendasta’s channel partners to become the single source of truth and trusted experts for local businesses everywhere.

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Turn your digital agency into a scalable power house with Vendasta

About the Author

Colleen is the Senior Manger of Community at Vendasta. Her passions are marketing, equality, and blogging. She enjoys adventures in the mountains and in her hometown of YXE. You can often find her in a plant store or with her dog, Frank.

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