Mastering Zapier Automations for Digital Marketing Agencies

Now, more than ever, it feels like staying ahead of the competition means managing an overwhelming number of tasks and tools. For many digital marketing agencies, the constant juggle of manual processes and repetition can lead to burnout—real quick. This is where Zapier automations can relieve some of the pressure. 

You see, leveraging powerful tools like Zapier is a great way to streamline your operations, eliminate busy work, and free up more of your valuable time. This blog will not only guide you through using Zapier automations, but also show you how integrating them with Vendasta can improve your workflows, so you can stop wasting time, and start boosting productivity.

Streamline your daily operations with automated workflows

Understanding Zapier

What is Zapier?

Zapier is a powerful automation tool that connects different applications, allowing users to automate repetitive tasks without any coding experience needed. It supports over 1,000 apps, making it a versatile solution for digital marketing agencies looking to integrate various tools.

Key Features

  • Multi-Step Zapier Workflows: Create complex automations with multiple steps, ensuring a seamless flow of data and tasks.
  • Extensive App Library: With integrations for tools like Vendasta, Google Sheets, Slack, and Asana, Zapier integrations can connect your favorite business tools to simplify your processes.

Importance for Agencies

So, why should you care? For digital marketing agency owners like yourself, automating repetitive tasks can save significant time and resources. Let us explain.

By using Zapier, you and your team can finally focus on strategy and creative work, rather than getting bogged down by manual processes and mind-numbing tasks that suck away your time.

Pro Tip: Enhance your online presence by mastering social media integration, a big component for engaging with your audience and amplifying your brand's reach.

Getting Started with Zapier

Creating an Account

  1. Visit the Zapier website and click on "Sign Up."
  2. Enter your email and create a password or sign up using your Google account.
  3. Verify your email to activate your account.

Simple as that.

Navigating the Dashboard

The Zapier dashboard is quite user-friendly, with sections for creating and managing “Zaps” (automated workflows). You'll find tabs for exploring integrations, viewing your account details, and accessing helpful resources.

But before we go any further, it is important to know some of the lingo associated with Zapier. We’ll next take a look at some Zapier terminology.

Understanding Zapier Terminology

Here are some common terms you will most likely happen upon during your Zapier journey:

  • Zap: An automated workflow that connects your apps.
  • Trigger: The event that starts the Zap (e.g., receiving a new email).
  • Action: The task that the Zap performs after the trigger occurs (e.g., adding a new row to a Google Sheet).
  • Multi-Step Zap: A Zap with multiple actions, allowing for more complex workflows.

Zapier Pricing: Free vs. Paid Plans

Overview of Pricing Tiers

Free: Zapier offers a free plan with basic features, including up to 100 tasks per month and two-step Zaps. 

Professional: Plan starts at $29.99/month, offering multi-step Zaps, webhooks, and email support.

Team: Starts at $103.50/month, offering everything in Professional, plus unlimited users, shared workspaces, and premium support.

Enterprise: Includes everything offered in teams, plus more advanced features, such as admin permissions and app controls, and dedicated technical support. You will need to contact sales for pricing. 

Here’s the current pricing and feature breakdown found on Zapier’s website:


(Source, Zapier)

Cost-Benefit Analysis

It never hurts to test drive a new software before you decide to commit for the long haul. 

However, you know what they say, you get what you pay for. For agencies managing multiple clients, it might be worth it to fork over some cash, because the paid plans provide valuable benefits such as increased task limits and access to premium apps. Investing in a paid plan can also greatly enhance your workflow automation capabilities.

Navigating through the myriad of digital marketing channels available out there can be daunting, but our guide breaks down the most effective platforms for your strategy.

Vendasta Integration

That’s right, we’re also supported by Zapier. 

Setting up the Zapier app integration can further enhance your automation capabilities. For instance, you can automate the process of sending client data from Vendasta’s products to your own CRM integration or marketing automation tool.

Jacob shares a sneak peek of this integration in action right here:

Creating Your First Zap

Step-by-Step Guide

Once you have set up your Zapier app integration with Vendasta, you are well on your way to creating your first Zap. Here are the basic steps to get you started:

Step 1: Create a Zap

You will first start by logging into your Zapier account and creating a new Zap. You will want to select the "Webhooks by Zapier" app with the "Catch Hook" event. It should look something like this:


From there, you are going to expand the "Test trigger" section and copy your webhook URL, like this:


Step 2: Add to Vendasta’s Workflow Automation

In a new tab, go to the Vendasta Partner Center and create a workflow automation based on the preferred triggers and filters related to your business process.

Add a "Trigger a webhook" step at the point you would like to call the 3rd party system. From there, paste the URL that you copied from Zapier in step one. Don’t worry about the verifier token, it can be left blank.


Next, configure the webhook body to contain any of the fields that you want to send off to the 3rd party.


Step 3: Test Your Webhook and Trigger

Next, you will want to click the "Send test webhook" button in Vendasta. Then go back to Zapier editor and click "Test trigger". If everything is configured right, Zapier should display your test request. Like this:


Step 4: Connect Zapier to a 3rd Party App

When you click "Continue" Zapier will ask what app you would like to take action in. From there, follow their step-by-step wizard. You can use any of the fields from the webhook body to input into the form.

To help visualize things, here’s an example of creating a new row in a Google spreadsheet:


Step 5: Turn on automation

Last, but not least, don't forget to turn on processing in Zapier by selecting "publishing Zap." Afterward, in Vendasta’s platform, also save and turn on your automation.

Common Use Cases

  • Lead Generation: Automatically send new leads from Vendasta to your CRM.
  • Client Onboarding: Create a welcome email series for new clients using an email marketing tool.

Testing Your Zap

After setting up every new Zap, make sure to run a test to ensure everything works correctly. Check the data flow and adjust settings if things don’t seem quite right.

Exploring Plug-and-Play Zaps

Library of Pre-Built Zaps

Zapier offers a library of pre-built Zaps that can be customized to fit your needs. These ready-to-use automations cover various functions, from social media posting to customer support.

Examples of Popular Zaps

  • Google Sheets + Slack: Send new Google Sheets entries to a Slack channel.
  • Asana + Email: Create tasks in Asana from new emails.

Integrating Vendasta Solutions

As we mentioned previously, Vendasta's suite of tools can be seamlessly integrated with Zapier, enabling agencies to automate tasks such as reporting, client communications, and even data management.

Must Read: Ready to explore the benefits of AI integration services to optimize your workflows? This blog covers everything from automating customer interactions to data analysis.

Advanced Automation Techniques

Multi-Step Zaps

With multi-step Zaps, you can create more complex workflows that involve multiple actions. For example, you can automate the process of receiving client data, analyzing it, and then sending reports.

Using Filters and Paths

Filters and Paths allow you to create conditional workflows. For example, you can set up a Zap that sends different email responses based on the type of inquiry received.

Incorporating Vendasta Products

Agencies can use Vendasta product integration in advanced Zaps to streamline operations. For instance, you can set up a Zap that automatically updates your CRM with data from Vendasta, ensuring your client information is always up-to-date.

Best Practices for Using Zapier

Regularly Review and Optimize Zaps

Nothing lasts forever, that’s why it's important to regularly review your Zaps to ensure they are still efficient and relevant. Update them as needed to accommodate new tools or changes in your workflow.

Documentation and Support

Zapier provides extensive documentation and support resources to help you troubleshoot issues and learn new skills. Make good use of these resources to get the most out of your automations.

Pro Tip: Equip your team with the best digital marketing resources to stay ahead of the competition and deliver exceptional results to your clients.

Collaboration Features

Depending on the subscription level, Zapier allows team members to collaborate on Zaps, making it easy for agencies to manage and maintain their automation workflows.

For a comprehensive plan to succeed with automations for digital marketing agencies, follow this 10-step digital marketing strategy guide.


Leveraging Zapier automations for digital marketing agencies could just be the thing you need. By connecting your favorite tools and eliminating manual tasks, you have the potential to drive more efficient operations and focus on what really matters—growing your business. That, coupled with the integration of Vendasta products, now is the perfect time to learn how to make money with AI and streamline your operations.

About the Author

Mary-Margaret Bennett is a Content Marketing Specialist at Vendasta, with a versatile background spanning business development, IT project management, and work as a writer and graphic designer across various industries. Outside of her professional endeavors, she enjoys birdwatching and crafting work for local art exhibitions.

Turn your digital agency into a scalable power house with Vendasta

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