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Growing a digital agency: Double revenue in one month

Can-do Marketing* is based in Canada

20 years of industry experience 

Specializes in digital advertising and marketing media

*This case study is based on the true approach and results of an agency using the Vendasta platform. Names have been changed to protect the partner’s white-label relationship with Vendasta.

Growing your revenue with the Vendasta platform

expansion revenue
from July to August


With 20 years of industry experience, this Canadian digital advertising and marketing media firm specializes in custom ad campaigns for SMBs. Can-do Marketing joined Vendasta in July of 2020 on an Growth subscription tier.

digital agency can-do marketing in line image


Can-do Marketing saw a market gap in quality full-service media providers. SMBs were suffering because of this and Can-do Marketing wanted to fill that gap by expanding its scope. By signing on with Vendasta, Can-do Marketing hoped to:

  • Offer a wider variety of products and services
  • Better serve current clients
  • Appeal to a larger audience


Snapshot Report

Can-do Marketing uses Vendasta’s Snapshot Report as a health check tool to identify client needs. This is an important part of their process before sending out a digital advertising campaign.

Marketing Services Team

Marketing Services

Can-do Marketing saves time by outsourcing digital advertising fulfillment tasks to Vendasta Marketing Services. They can now use that time to train and educate their sales staff on the benefits of search engine optimization (SEO) in digital ads as well as the power of listing sites in SEO.


Vendasta Marketplace

Marketplace offers 250+ solutions that are tailored to each individual client’s needs. These products helped Can-do Marketing better understand growth opportunities in their market.


The team at Can-do Marketing requested regular training sessions with their Partner Development Manager at Vendasta. This was meant to educate them on the benefits of Marketplace products and the foundational Online Toolkit so that they could provide more value to their clients. With a better grasp of the available products, the Can-do Marketing team is more equipped to tailor solutions to their client’s needs.

The result

By leaning on Vendasta experts, Can-do Marketing was able to better train their staff and offer a well-rounded stack of solutions to their clients. With Vendasta, Can-do Marketing more than doubled their expansion revenue from July to August 2021.

expansion revenue
from July to August
“The Platform & Concept are Fantastic!”
“Strongly recommend if your company wants to compete in today’s market place.”
“Vendasta took us from 0-100 in no time!”

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