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Workflow Wednesdays
Master Vendasta Automations & AI | Local Business AI Growth
Transform your approach to solutions for your local business customers with actionable workflows and automations. These hands-on training sessions are designed to help you master the Vendasta platform and drive tangible results for you and your clients.
About this event

Workflow Wednesdays | Master Vendasta Automations & AI
Join our weekly workshop to revolutionize how you support your local business clients. Learn how to become their trusted system of record by capitalizing on the latest market trends and using AI and automation to cut down on time-consuming, non-revenue-generating tasks
Date : 11:00am CST ⋅ (recurring)
What you’ll learn:

Workflow implementation: Address specific business challenges by using Vendasta AI & Automations.
Automation strategies: Hands-on training to master Vendasta’s platform
Business Growth: How to leverage workflows to drive retention, increase customer satisfaction, and unlock new opportunities for expansion.
Why Attend?
Save time by automating repetitive tasks for you and your clients
Increase revenue by focusing on sales-generating activities
Become an AI Trailblazer and thought leader in your local business community
Alistair George
Sales Engineer | Enterprise Account Manager, ISV
Dakota Zirk
Account Executive, Vendasta
Logan Ochitwa
Account Executive, Vendasta