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[VCON] Gordon Borrell: The New Marketing Landscape

[VCON] Gordon Borrell: The New Marketing Landscape

Gordon Borrell The New Marketing Landscape Digital is growing, but it isn't driven by advertising. Want to know where local business money is going, and how to get ahold of it? Then Gordon Borrell is your man. Gorden Borrell, CEO of Borrell Associates, talks about the...

[VCON] Brendan King: What’s at Stake in Local

[VCON] Brendan King: What’s at Stake in Local

Brendan King What's at Stake in Local Vendasta CEO Brendan King sums up the core themes of VendastaCon 2018, explaining how to use all the knowledge you’ve gained to take clients to “The Promised Land”. Brendan explains how essential it is to describe that future...

Upasna Gautam: The Science of SEO

Upasna Gautam: The Science of SEO

Search isn’t rocket science, but it can be better understood with a little bit of basic science background—the classic scientific method. At the most fundamental level, the method consists of five main steps: observe, research, hypothesize, experiment and draw a...