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How to scale revenue by selling high-margin product and service bundles

Continue reading below and learn how to package, price, and pitch your agency’s offering to boost your bottom line.
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Keep reading to discover:

  • Actionable product bundling strategies you can start using now to boost your revenue
  • The packaging pitfalls you need to avoid to prevent overwhelm and confusion with your agency clients
  • The secrets to bundling for each stage of the customer journey
  • Exactly what you need to know before pricing your packages appropriately for prospective and existing agency clients
  • How bundling can be your answer to client churn
  • Step-by-step instructions (with a customizable deck) for pitching those packages to your agency prospects

Bundle digital solutions
and grow your revenue

Learn how Vendasta’s Marketplace allows you to offer your clients what they need.

A winning marketing bundle should offer immense value to the client while maintaining a strong profit margin for the agency.

Many SMBs struggle with the same challenges when it comes to their digital footprint. They need to ensure their online presence is accurate, up to date, and a strong representation of their brand and offering. Not all SMB budgets, however, are created equal. It’s critical for agencies to not only consider which solutions to package together in their ultimate offering, but they need to accommodate varying service levels. Digital marketing service tier packages will ensure higher-touch clients remain super-served and lower-budget clients can access the tools they need without the hassle.

At Vendasta, we recommend three primary delivery methods when selling digital solutions and services to SMBs:

Do It Yourself tm

Do It Yourself (DIY) is the most cost-friendly option for businesses. It works best for local business owners with smaller budgets who are willing to invest some time into interacting with their own customers online through tools that will cut down on the toil.

Do It For Me tm

Do It For Me (DIFM) is more costly for local businesses; however, it completely removes their need to manage accounts and interactions themselves, making the additional spend worth it for many time-starved local business owners.

The DIFM service model will require some additional time and fulfillment from your agency team, and pricing should be set according to cover your delivery costs, leaving room for profit as well.

Do It With Me tm

Do It With Me (DIWM) is a hybrid of the other two options, and can be an effective way to deliver services to your clients with middle-of-the road budgets in mind.

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Perhaps your DIWM package includes a few self-service options you know your clients would feel comfortable with maintaining. However, you support them on delivery with a few high-impact products that would take some time for the client to learn on their own. For some SMBs, this approach can offer the best of both worlds. It can help them keep costs down where it makes sense, but still give them a level of access to your internal team for support and guidance. 

Later on in this guide, we will dive deeper into the exact formula for producing a high-margin DIY marketing bundle with a rinse-and-repeat sales cycle that can help skyrocket your agency’s growth. We’ll share the recommended cost breakdown for our most popular digital solutions so you can learn how to make money selling bundles and demonstrate how to prove value and retain clients with automated proof-of-performance reporting.

Before we get too deep, however, let’s explore some of the do’s and don’ts every agency should consider when packaging products and services to best fit the client’s needs.

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Bundling can introduce clients to products that they didn’t know they needed; however, this only works if the reseller is bundling strategically.

The following marketing packages example strategies will help resellers who are new to bundling increase revenue quickly, while simultaneously delivering an exceptional customer experience.

Strategy 1: Bundle for each stage of the customer journey

Reselling marketing bundles can look similar to selling individual products. Customer research, freemium products, bundling tactics, up-selling and cross-selling opportunities, digital marketing monthly service tier packages, and referrals are all a part of bundling throughout the customer journey.

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If you’re wondering how to make money selling bundles, consider approaching sales through the customer journey. This strategy helps resellers build a relationship with customers as they move through the following five phases: 

Phase 1. Awareness

As you make prospective clients aware of your offerings, it’s important to position your marketing bundles as solutions to their pain points. Customer research is important at this stage. It’s also important to showcase the benefits of bundling and explain how much your clients can save by purchasing a digital marketing service package rather than individual products.

Phase 2. Consideration

At this stage, you can offer prospects a freemium version of all product bundles. This gives them a chance to try out the solutions first hand. If they are satisfied, it can successfully lead to them purchasing the full version of the best product bundle fit.

Phase 3. Decision

Bundling tactics at this stage may include bundling marketing products by theme, putting a limited time on exclusive bundle deals for first-time buyers, or tailoring marketing bundles to the individual client. 

  • Themes solve for a clear problem such as difficulty managing an online reputation. 
  • Time limits create a sense of urgency.
  • Specific deals for first-time buyers give them a feeling of uniqueness. 
  • Tailored bundles make clients feel well taken care of in the sense that the reseller understands their specific needs. 

Phase 4. Retention

The retention phase is your opportunity to upsell and cross-sell. 

Product bundles examples:

Add-ons like Vendasta’s Listing Sync Pro and Listing Distribution are great upsell options for clients who are already using Listing Builder

For that same client, a good product to cross-sell might be Reputation Management. Because they are trying to build up their online presence with Listing Builder, they’ll probably need to find a way to better manage that online reputation.

Phase 5. Advocacy

At this stage, resellers should approach their most successful clients with a referral deal. 

This can look like further bundle discounts, cutting a check, or adding a product to their bundle for free once they’ve referred a certain number of prospects. 

Referral marketing is an authentic tactic that holds less bias than an agency promoting themselves.

Each phase that a client moves through requires a different approach and gives you the opportunity to sell more. Know your customer. The key to creating marketing packages throughout the customer journey is to research and understand each individual client’s needs. Always have a one-to-one conversation with each client after conducting research to better understand their pain points and discuss bundled solutions. 

Strategy 2: Mix low-selling and fast-moving items

Combine products and services that complement each other and aren’t usually sold individually.

A strategic mix of less popular and more popular products bundled together is a great option for introducing those low-selling products to clients. 

Here’s a product bundles example that mixes low- and fast-moving items: Perhaps you have a great product to resell but it’s newer, lesser known, or just hasn’t been positioned well. This strategy provides a great opportunity to shine a light on it and make those lesser-known products visible. Introducing new products through a bundle is a savvy strategy to include in the marketing mix. 

A low-selling product or service isn’t necessarily something to overlook. It can still be a valuable product for clients if sold in a smart mix. Perhaps an add-on to social media management isn’t popular initially or on its own. If you sell it in a bundle with that social media management product or service, your customers are more likely to see the value in it.

Strategy 3: Piecing together the digital solution puzzle

According to Vendasta Partner Development Manager Arpit Madan, all agencies need to be familiar with what he calls a digital puzzle. This puzzle is a seven-step checklist of solutions that build off of one another. Each solution is a piece of that puzzle and not all solutions fit together perfectly. 

Some pieces like website solutions and on-site SEO fit together, but digital advertising campaigns don’t fit into the first two pieces, and so there has to be another piece connecting them. 

Here are some marketing packages examples from Vendasta:

Products and product categories build on one another intuitively with suggestions throughout Vendasta’s product pages and recommended packages.

At the beginning of their journey, clients may need help managing their online reputation and building an SEO strategy from scratch. Further along, that same business might be in a good position to start spending on digital ads, but that’s not something worth spending money on until they’ve built up their online presence. As you become familiar with the more than 250 digital solutions in Marketplace, you’ll be able to bundle and resell solutions in whatever groupings work for you and your clients. 

Build bundles based on the solutions categories in the below order so that customers get the most value out of the products you resell, at the right time.

The digital product puzzle:

Some other valuable marketing service package examples from the Vendasta Marketplace include:

Strategy 4: Marketing packages pricing

Part of knowing your client is understanding their value perception of your products. This will influence which products are selected for marketing bundles and how you set marketing packages pricing. Perceived value is a customer’s individual perception of a product or service’s value to them, and it’s measured by the price they are willing to pay for that marketing bundle.

Digital marketing service tiers packages

Digital marketing service tiers packages show businesses how they can grow with the available products and services. Generally ranging from a freemium or entry-level bundle all the way up to an enterprise, cream-of-the-crop marketing service package, this structure clearly lays out a growth pattern. 

For a business that is beyond the basic package, but not ready to pay out what the top-tiered bundle costs, there should be a small variety of digital marketing packages. Or, if you cater to a very specific audience, add a carefully selected product bundle in the middle. Why? Psychologically speaking, most businesses will choose the middle tier when you price digital marketing service tier packages.

When it comes to how to sell bundles, tiered bundles simplify the marketing packages pricing system by showing a range of choices priced accordingly. They also enable upselling to the next bundle when a business outgrows its current bundle. This makes sales less complicated as long as the client is satisfied with the base products. 

Buy more pay less

A classic positioning statement that will help you discover how to make money selling bundles is “buy more, pay less.” Essentially, all marketing bundles should be following this marketing packages pricing strategy, because this is really the whole point in buying a bundle of products and services. 

Rather than paying the full price for a number of products individually, a small business can get those same products plus a little extra for a discounted price if they’re willing to purchase them all together. 

Of course, if clients require a product that is not included in that bundle, they will then pay for that product as an add-on. This means resellers will sell more products and their clients will have their digital needs taken care of. Rather than taking care of one thing at a time with one product at a time, small businesses will have a well-rounded digital marketing strategy.

Profit margins

We all enjoy the feeling of empowerment when it comes to being given a choice but more often than not in a set of slightly differing options, we will choose the one priced in between the lowest and highest prices. A psychological theory called middle option bias highlights our natural tendency to select the middle option, or in this case, the middle-of-the-road product bundle. This is foundational to digital marketing monthly service tiers packages. This theory gives agencies some wiggle room to price the middle product bundle higher than they might think at first. 

It’s your job to know your client, the market, and your products. With that knowledge, it will be easier to decipher your client’s perceived value of your bundles. As much as a client doesn’t want to overpay for a marketing bundle, you don’t want to undercharge. 

Typically, Vendasta partners selling our foundational marketing agency service packages have a markup of 40 to 60 percent above the wholesale price.

It’s important to restrict the number of marketing bundles available to between three and five.

Freedom of choice cannot be removed from the buying decision; however, limiting the number of choices to between three and five different bundle options reduces the likelihood of a prospect walking away before purchasing.

Mistake 2: Undefined package scope

Don’t leave clients wondering because this leads to confusion, frustration, and, ultimately, churn. This mistake can be avoided by defining the scope of your marketing bundles and asking yourself:

  • How long should a client expect to wait before seeing specific results?
  • When does the bundle get renewed?
  • Exactly how much should you charge for marketing services bundles, and will there be any necessary add-ons in the near future that will cost more?

By defining the scope of your marketing bundles and each of the products included, you give yourself the power to set the client’s expectations realistically. Although there aren’t necessarily any guarantees, this sets clients at ease because the expert they paid has a clearly defined job to do.

Depending on the products and services offered in a bundle, you should define the length of time necessary before a client can expect to need an add-on or upgraded package. This basically guarantees upselling opportunities and keeps customers’ results from plateauing.

Mistake 3: Selling intangible results

You have to give prospects a reason to buy from you rather than a competitor. Review the section Learn how to sell bundles of services more effectively for more in-depth information on selling intangible results or stay here for the bullet points:

  • Provide tangible toolkits | For example: templates, checklists, white papers, guides etc.
  • Use sales intelligence tools | Vendasta’s Snapshot Report can be used to evaluate a prospect’s online presence
  • Combine products and services | Sell mixed bundles of products and services together
  • Bundle different service levels | More in-depth services can be priced higher than a bundle of basic services
  • Bundle the process of how you deliver | Create a tangible document that walks prospects through your service delivery process

You should be able to show prospects what kind of results they can expect from each of the offered bundles using the above tactics. It’s also important to use data to back up the expected impact of your products and services.

Above all else, speak in the language that your clients understand. It’s hard enough to sell something intangible, so why make it more difficult by expecting them to know exactly what they need? Business owners are coming to you for help with a specific digital need because they are not experts in your field. Speaking in plain language and explaining basic terms and functions of your digital offerings can go a long way in establishing the foundation of a relationship.

Unlock the power of a digital solutions bundle that could translate into an additional $1 million in annual recurring revenue for your agency.

The ultimate pitch for selling digital


You know how important it is for a local business to have a digital presence. But how do you convince your prospects they need to be more visible online?

There’s a ton of noise out there, but one of the easiest ways to cut through the competition is by telling a powerful story when selling bundles. Having the best products and services isn’t enough. If you don’t have a story that compels your prospects—that gets to the heart of their needs—you won’t win in a crowded marketplace.

According to cognitive psychologist Jerome Bruner, stories are 22 times more memorable than facts and figures alone. In fact, our neural activity increases five times when listening to a story.

At Vendasta, we’ve developed a digital sales pitch deck based on proven methodology developed by Tim Riesterer from Corporate Visions. The framework is based on the principle that clients don’t need to be told why to do something, they need to be told why they need to change and why they need to do it now.

Unlock the key to profitability

Download the rebrandable million-dollar pitch deck for selling digital solutions to local businesses now.

Setting expectations

In-line #1 (1)
The first few slides of the presentation should be a standard. Because we are using a storytelling approach, it’s important to include an agenda slide. It’s important your prospective clients aren’t caught off guard, wondering when you will actually start presenting to them.

Pillar 1: Introduce an unconsidered need

After introductions and stage setting, the first thing you should be doing in your digital bundle sales presentation is to introduce your point of view to the prospect. It doesn’t need to be revolutionary, but it does need to be true because this viewpoint will lay the groundwork for the rest of the presentation. You are preparing your customers to be destabilized and are taking the time to set yourself up as a trustworthy solution to their unconsidered need. 

In-line #2 (1)
Your prospect likely knows that some aspects of digital marketing are important and they might even have tried to handle multiple aspects of digital marketing themselves, but they probably haven’t thought about having a holistic digital marketing strategy.

That should be the unconsidered need.

Pillar 2: Loss aversion theory

Next, you should move into this framework’s second pillar: loss aversion theory. Loss aversion theory tells us that the pain of losing $10 is greater than the pleasure of gaining $10, so we’re showing them how painful it would be to not take action on the unconsidered need we introduced.

In-line #3 (1)
It’s important that agencies take time at this stage for two-way communication with the local business owner. It not only shows that you are there to have a conversation, but it also makes the prospect quantify the problem themselves. You may pose a question like “How much is one customer worth to you?”   

You should be spending time building up trust with your customers by sharing your industry knowledge and expertise. Demonstrate why you are the right person to help solve the problem before you demonstrate the solution.

In-line #4 (1)
Using Vendasta’s million-dollar pitch deck, tell your prospect about the customer journey all while hammering home that businesses need to have a comprehensive digital marketing strategy. At this stage, you’re still leveraging loss aversion bias to your advantage by highlighting that not only does the prospect lose out on business, but all of their advertising money is being spent marketing for their competitor.

Pillar 3: Communicate value by contrasting present and future

Now that you’ve created enough pain and built up enough trust, you can move on to the third pillar—communicating value by contrasting your prospect’s present state with a future state where they follow your expert advice. Show them your solution bundle, some examples of what winning might look like, and then ask: “Would a future state where your unconsidered need is solved be better than now?” A prospect should fairly obviously know that the answer is yes.

In-line #5 (1)

Pillar 4: Introduce your hero story

Finally, before your prospect can start anticipating any regret, move into the fourth pillar and show them a hero story they can imagine themselves in. Mix in numbers, graphs, and visuals here. Doing so is extremely effective when telling a story. Choose a successful example of your work for best results.

In-line #6 (1)
Once concluded, you can begin walking your prospect through a proposal for your high-margin product bundle.

Break down your formula for B2B profitability

High-margin-package-Calculator (1)
Calculate your earnings selling the Vendasta Customer Journey Pro digital marketing bundle with this downloadable calculator.