Lifetime Value

Related articles or contents Website AuditWebsite BuilderWeb DevelopmentWeb HostingWebinar Vendasta / Glossary / lifetime-value What is Lifetime Value? Definition & Meaning Lifetime Value (LTV) is a metric used to measure the total value of a customer over the...

Lead Generation

Related articles or contents Website AuditWebsite BuilderWeb DevelopmentWeb HostingWebinar Vendasta / Glossary / lead-generation What is Lead Generation? Definition & Strategies Lead generation is the process of attracting and converting strangers and prospects...

Lead Magnet

Related articles or contents Website AuditWebsite BuilderWeb DevelopmentWeb HostingWebinar Vendasta / Glossary / lead-magnet What is a Lead Magnet? Definition & Examples A lead magnet is a tool used by marketing agencies to attract potential customers and...


Related articles or contents Website AuditWebsite BuilderWeb DevelopmentWeb HostingWebinar Vendasta / Glossary / lead-generation What is a Lead? Definition and Uses Lead is a term used to describe a potential customer who has expressed interest in a product or...

Landing Page

Related articles or contents Website AuditWebsite BuilderWeb DevelopmentWeb HostingWebinar Vendasta / Glossary / landing-page What is a Landing Page? Definition & Examples A landing page is a web page that is designed to capture a visitor’s attention and...